Four Millennial Views

Christ’s Return: A Primer on the Four Millennial Views

Published On: March 24, 2025

The millennium—that mysterious 1000-year period mentioned in Revelation 20—has sparked intense debate among Christians. Does Christ return before or after this 1000-year period? And what exactly is the millennium—literal or symbolic? Sermons have been preached, books have been written, and denominations have sometimes divided over interpretations of these few verses about a millennium.

Yet in the midst of our passionate theological discussions, we shall do well to remember RC Sproul’s humorous observation: “I believe that when we get to heaven, we will find people there who held to all four millennial views—and they’ll all find out they were wrong about something!” This gentle reminder helps us approach eschatology (the study of the last things) with both intellectual vigour and humility.

God appears to have intentionally left certain aspects of the end times somewhat mysterious. As Reformed believers, we affirm Scripture is our ultimate authority. Yet we also acknowledge faithful Christians who love the Lord and honour the Bible seem to arrive at different conclusions about these matters.



Key Claims

Historical (or Classic) Premillennialism (HP) holds Christ will return to earth before (hence “pre-“) the millennium begins. This position teaches Christ will physically return after a period of tribulation, resurrect believers, and establish a literal 1000-year kingdom on earth. During this time, He will reign with resurrected saints and their descendants.

Unlike its dispensational cousin (which we shall examine next), HP sees significant continuity between Israel and the Church. It views the Church not as a parenthesis in God’s plan but as the true Israel in whom Old Testament (OT) promises find fulfillment.


The current church age > A period of tribulation (views vary on its length and intensity) > Christ’s return in glory (Second Coming) > First resurrection (of believers only) > Millennial kingdom (1,000 years with Christ physically reigning) > Satan released briefly, leading to a final rebellion > Second resurrection (of unbelievers), final judgement > Eternal state (new heavens and new earth)

Scripture Support

HP draws heavily from a straightforward reading of Revelation 19-20, where Christ’s return (19:11-16) precedes the millennium (20:1-6) but is after the tribulation (Matthew 24:29,30). Proponents also point to various OT passages that describe a messianic kingdom on earth, such as Isaiah 2:2-4 and 11:1-10, which depict a peaceful reign where even nature is transformed.

The view finds additional support in Zechariah 14:5-17, which describes the Lord coming with His holy ones and then reigning as king over all the earth. 1 Corinthians 15:22-26 may suggest a specific order of events, with Christ reigning until all enemies are defeated, culminating with death itself. The disciples’ question about restoring the kingdom to Israel in Acts 1:6-7 and Jesus’ response (not correcting their expectation but speaking of timing) is also cited as evidence for a future earthly kingdom.


  • HP takes a straightforward approach to Revelation 20, reading it in sequence after Christ’s return in Revelation 19.
  • It honours OT prophecies about a messianic kingdom on earth and maintains a significant place for Israel in God’s redemptive plan.
  • It also avoids the sharp Israel/Church distinction of dispensationalism.


  • Critics feel this view requires a complicated series of resurrections and judgements that aren’t clearly laid out elsewhere in Scripture.
  • It faces the challenge of explaining why, after the glorious return of Christ, there would need to be a limited millennial kingdom rather than moving directly to the eternal state.
  • The requirement for Satan to be released after the 1000 years despite Christ’s physical presence seems puzzling.
  • Moreover, passages such as Matthew 25:31-46 seem to describe a single judgement rather than multiple judgments separated by a millennium.



Key Claims

Like HP, Dispensational Premillennialism (DP) teaches Christ will return before the millennium. However, this view developed much more recently (19th century) and is distinguished by its sharp separation between Israel and the Church, and its emphasis on different “dispensations” or periods in God’s dealings with humanity.

Dispensationalists typically teach the Church will be “raptured” (taken to heaven) before a seven-year tribulation period. After this tribulation, Christ will return with His Church to establish a millennial kingdom that specifically fulfils God’s promises to national Israel. During this time, the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, and aspects of Old Testament worship will be restored.


Current church age > Rapture of the church (believers taken to heaven) > Seven-year tribulation on earth (often divided into two 3.5-year periods) > Return of Christ with the church (the “glorious appearing”) > Judgement of living nations > Millennial kingdom (1,000 years with restored Israel at the centre) > Satan’s brief release and final rebellion > Great White Throne judgment > Eternal state

Scripture Support

Dispensationalists point to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 as descriptions of the rapture. They interpret Daniel 9:24-27 (the “70-weeks” prophecy) as indicating a future seven-year tribulation period.

The distinction between Israel and the Church is supported by passages such as Romans 11:25-29, which speaks of a future for ethnic Israel. Ezekiel 40-48, with its detailed temple specifications, is understood literally as describing a future millennial temple.

Like HP, DP too takes Revelation 20:1-6 as describing a literal 1000-year reign following Christ’s return in Revelation 19.


  • DP takes seriously God’s promises to national Israel and maintains God hasn’t rejected His chosen people.
  • It provides a comprehensive, detailed system that accounts for many prophetic passages in both testaments, with a literal approach to interpreting prophecy.
  • The view emphasises the imminence of Christ’s return, encouraging watchfulness and evangelistic urgency.


  • The strict separation between Israel and the Church conflicts with passages describing the Church as grafted into Israel (Romans 11:17-24) and as the true children of Abraham (Galatians 3:29).
  • Critics argue the view ignores New Testament (NT) promises made to Israel that apply to the Church (1 Peter 2:9-10, Galatians 6:16).
  • The multiple phases of Christ’s return (rapture, then later glorious appearing) lack explicit Scriptural support.
  • Critics also note the pre-tribulation rapture concept was unknown in church history before the 19th century. The idea of restored temple sacrifices during the millennium seems to contradict the finality and sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice (Hebrews 10:1-18.)



Key Claims

Postmillennialism (PM) teaches Christ will return after (hence “post-“) the millennium. Unlike HP and DP, PM typically understands the millennium not as a literal 1000 years but as a long period of increasing Christian influence and prosperity on earth before Christ’s return.

The view holds the proclamation of the gospel and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit will Increasingly Christianise the world. While not teaching that absolutely everyone will be converted, postmillennialists believe Christian principles will dominate culture and society before Christ returns to usher in the eternal state.


Current church age gradually transitioning into the millennium > Millennium: an extended period of Christian influence and flourishing > Brief apostasy or rebellion near the end > Return of Christ > General resurrection and final judgement >Eternal state

Scripture Support

Postmillennialists emphasise Jesus’ parables of the kingdom in Matthew 13, particularly the mustard seed and leaven (vv. 31-33), which depict the kingdom growing gradually but inexorably. They also point to OT prophecies of a time when “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).

Psalms like Psalm 72:8-11, which speak of all nations serving the king, are interpreted as predictions of the success of the gospel. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is seen as a mandate that will be largely fulfilled before Christ’s return, with Jesus’ assertion that “all authority” has been given to Him as the basis for this expectation.

1 Corinthians 15:24-25, which states Christ “must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet,” is understood to refer to His present reign from heaven gradually subduing His enemies through the Church’s work.


  • PM has a robust view of the power of the gospel and the effectiveness of Christ’s current reign.
  • It takes seriously the many biblical promises of worldwide blessing and the triumph of God’s kingdom on earth.
  • This perspective encourages Christian cultural engagement and long-term thinking. It provides a theological rationale for working toward societal transformation.


  • Critics argue PM’s optimistic view of historical progress seems difficult to reconcile with the 20th and 21st centuries’ evidence of ongoing evil and resistance to the gospel.
  • Scripture passages suggesting increased wickedness before Christ’s return (2 Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew 24:12) also seem to challenge the PM narrative.
  • The interpretation of Revelation 20 is less straightforward in this view, requiring the millennium to represent the church age (as in AM) but with a distinctly optimistic trajectory.
  • Some also suggest PM may potentially blur the distinction between the kingdom of God and earthly institutions or overemphasise societal transformation at the expense of personal salvation.



Key Claims

Amillennialism (AM, meaning “no millennium” in the literal sense) teaches the millennium of Revelation 20 symbolically represents the current church age between Christ’s first and second comings. According to this view, Satan was bound at Christ’s first coming (limiting his ability to deceive the nations), and believers who die now reign with Christ in heaven.

Amillennialists typically understand the “first resurrection” mentioned in Revelation 20:5-6 as spiritual (regeneration of believers), while the second resurrection is physical (at Christ’s return). Christ is currently reigning from heaven through His church, and after a period of tribulation or apostasy (Satan’s “little season”), He will return for the final judgement and to usher in the eternal state.


Current church age (the millennium) > Increasing apostasy toward the end (Satan’s “little season”) > Return of Christ > General resurrection and final judgment > Eternal state (new heavens and new earth)

Scripture Support

Amillennialists interpret Revelation 20:1-6 symbolically, consistent with the highly symbolic nature of apocalyptic literature. They point to Jesus’ statements about binding the strong man (Matthew 12:28-29) and John 12:31-32, where Jesus speaks of the “ruler of this world” being driven out, as evidence that Satan was bound at Christ’s first coming.

John 5:24-29 is cited as support for understanding the first resurrection as spiritual (v. 24-25, happening now) and the second as physical (v. 28-29, still future). Similarly, Ephesians 2:1-6 speaks of believers as already “raised with Christ”—a spiritual resurrection.

The present reality of Christ’s kingdom is emphasised through passages like Colossians 1:13, which speaks of believers as already transferred into Christ’s kingdom, and Hebrews 12:22-24, which describes the church as already participating in the heavenly Mount Zion.


  • AM offers a coherent reading of Scripture that emphasises the unity of God’s redemptive plan and the continuity between OT and NT.
  • It takes seriously Jesus’ statements that His kingdom is “not of this world” (John 18:36) and is “within you” (Luke 17:21).
  • The view accounts for the “already/not yet” tension in NT eschatology—Christ’s kingdom is already present but not yet fully consummated.


  • Critics argue AM requires a heavily symbolic interpretation of Revelation 20, potentially disconnecting it from the chronological sequence of Revelation 19-21.
  • The explanation of how Satan is currently “bound” when evil remains prevalent requires nuanced understanding seems strained to some readers.
  • The view may appear to minimise the significance of Christ’s physical reign on earth and the restoration of creation emphasised in passages such as Romans 8:19-22.
  • Some argue the view too readily spiritualises OT prophecies about Israel that could have more literal fulfilments. And that it may not adequately account for apparent differences between the current age, millennium, and eternal state described in Scripture, potentially collapsing distinct phases of God’s plan.



On exploring the four millennial views, perhaps we’ve found ourselves drawn to one position or another. Or perhaps, like many thoughtful Christians, we’ve remained uncertain about which view best accounts for all the biblical data. Whatever our conclusion, let’s remember eschatology should inspire hope, not division. The details of the millennium may be debated, but not the certainty of Christ’s victory. Whether Christ returns before or after the thousand years, whether that period is literal or symbolic, we may all be confident history is moving toward its appointed climax when Christ will be all in all.

Meanwhile, we “wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13), serving faithfully in the place and time He has appointed us. And one day, as RC Sproul joked, we may all discover how our eschatological charts needed revision—but we’ll be too caught up in the glory of seeing our Saviour face to face to mind.



What historical figures are associated with each millennial view? Dispensational Premillennialism is associated with John Nelson Darby, CI Scofield, and modern teachers like John MacArthur and David Jeremiah. Historic Premillennialism was held by early church fathers such as Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, and later by George Eldon Ladd and Wayne Grudem. Postmillennialism was advanced by Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge, and Loraine Boettner. Amillennialism has been taught by Augustine, John Calvin, and contemporary scholars like Kim Riddlebarger and Sam Storms.

How do these millennial views affect Christian living and mission? Premillennialists often emphasise evangelism urgency due to Christ’s imminent return and may focus on prophecy and Israel in their teaching. Postmillennialists tend to emphasise cultural engagement and social reform as part of establishing God’s kingdom. Amillennialists typically balance present kingdom work with future hope, seeing both as important aspects of Christian mission. Each view can produce faithful, mission-minded believers despite their differing eschatological frameworks.

How do the millennial views differ on the relationship between Israel and the Church? Dispensational Premillennialists maintain a strict distinction between Israel and the Church, believing God has separate plans for each group. Historic Premillennialists see more continuity while still affirming some distinct future for ethnic Israel. Postmillennialists and Amillennialists typically view the Church as the true Israel or the fulfillment of Israel’s promises, seeing one people of God across both testaments with ethnic distinctions removed in Christ.

What is the significance of the “binding of Satan” in Revelation 20 according to each view? Premillennialists believe Satan’s binding occurs after Christ’s return, during the millennial kingdom where evil is greatly restrained. Postmillennialists see it as a progressive reality as the gospel advances, with Satan increasingly limited in his ability to deceive the nations. Amillennialists interpret Satan’s binding as already occurring in the present church age, specifically limiting his ability to prevent the gospel’s global spread while still allowing him to cause harm and persecution.

How do the millennial views interpret the “first resurrection” mentioned in Revelation 20:4-6? Premillennialists interpret the first resurrection as the bodily resurrection of believers at Christ’s return before the millennium. Postmillennialists often view it as referring to spiritual regeneration and/or a great revival before the millennium. Amillennialists typically understand it as either spiritual rebirth (being “born again”) or as the believer’s soul going to be with Christ immediately upon death, with the second resurrection being the final bodily resurrection of all people at Christ’s return.



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