Welcome to TruthsToDieFor
At TruthsToDieFor, we embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, delving into the profound questions that have perplexed humanity since time immemorial. We are not just a platform; we are a beacon for those who seek understanding amidst a sea of uncertainty. Our mission is clear and simple: to illuminate the path to God and to truth—truths to die for—through the lens of Christian Apologetics, ensuring our answers are scriptural, thought-provoking and also soul-enriching.

Who We Are
TruthsToDieFor is your compass in exploring the vast landscape of life’s biggest questions. From pondering the existence of a divine creator to dissecting the historical reliability of the Bible, our content is designed to engage minds and hearts alike. We understand the quest for truth is not a solitary journey but a shared voyage that transcends boundaries and unites us under the banner of inquiry and faith.
Our Team
We’re a team of four, and our loving, cheering spouses.
Shaju Alex
‘SA’ brings a wealth of experience to our team, having led editorial departments at both newspapers and major finance companies.
However, his true calling extends far beyond the realm of words on a page. Together with his wife, Susan, a college teacher and counsellor, SA is committed to
keeping an open home and sharing the gospel with students. His love for apologetics—the rational defence of the Christian faith—has been the driving force behind this website. The couple have raised a son and daughter, both now married. Their home stands as a beacon, welcoming young minds to explore the intersection of faith and reason.
Joel George
‘JG’ brings a unique combination of business acumen and creative flair to our team. As an
operational lead at a major multinational and an MBA, JG’s ability to blend operations with
artistic expression makes him a truly invaluable asset to our organization.
JG’s true passion is music. Neha, his wife, is a talented singer and professional music teacher.
Together they make beautiful music, creating enchanting gospel melodies that reflect the love
they share—for Christ. JG also has a flair for writing. He has a gift with words and loves to
dabble in crafting captivating prose whenever his busy schedule allows.
Rebecca Benson
‘RB’ is an educator, passionate about empowering others through the art of communication. As a
communications professor, she guides students in honing their ability to convey ideas with
clarity and impact.
Together with her husband, Benson, a techie employed with a multinational corporation, RB has a
profound burden to support church plants and outreach ministries, especially among the youth.
This dynamic duo is driven by a deep desire—to lead and mentor the next generation in their
walk with Christ.
Girish Chonkar
‘GC’ is a renaissance man, blending a gift for art with technical mastery as a graphics specialist. He has a wealth of experience leading graphics teams at tech companies. Yet GC’s talents extend far beyond the digital realm—he is an avid photographer, cyclist and bird watcher, often capturing breathtaking avian imagery by combining these passions in the great outdoors.
GC’s artistic journey has been made all the more vibrant by his wife Anagha, whom he met during their fine arts college days. Anagha is a gifted artist and instructor herself, fostering an environment of mutual inspiration within their household. Together, they have raised two sons, both of whom are currently in college.
Our Solution
In a world brimming with diverse ideologies and theories, it’s easy to feel lost in the shuffle. We provide a sanctuary where the claims of the Christian faith are not just stated but defended with vigor and clarity. By tackling questions such as “Creation Vs Evolution”, “Is there a God out there?”, and “Did Jesus really rise from the dead?”, we aim to:
- Offer insights grounded in careful research and respectful dialogue.
- Dispense a beacon of truth to those navigating through the fog of conflicting ideas online.
- Foster a community where questions are welcomed, and answers are pursued with earnest.
Our content isn’t just about providing answers to your questions; it’s about embarking on a journey of discovery that respects where you are and aims to guide you where you might go.
Our Ideal Visitor
You. Whether you wear your faith like a badge of honour, or you carry questions like unopened letters, you are welcome here. Our doors are wide open to everyone—the believer, the sceptic, the curious, and everyone in between. If you seek truth with an open mind and a willing heart, you are not just our ideal visitor, you are the reason we’re here online.
Begin Your Journey
Embarking on this expedition is straightforward. To ensure you don’t miss a beat on this journey:
- Bookmark our website: Make TruthsToDieFor your daily harbor in your quest for understanding.
- Subscribe: Join our community through email updates, and don’t miss out on our content across YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
- Daily Visits: Let our website be your daily rendezvous with truth, fresh perspectives and compelling insights.
Let’s Journey Together
TruthsToDieFor is more than a destination; it’s the launchpad to a lifetime of discovery and growth. We understand the responsibility that comes with examining life’s fundamental questions and we do so with the respect and gravitas they deserve. Here, your questions are honoured, your quest is shared, and your findings could illuminate not just your path, but also the paths of those who walk beside you.
Embrace the Call: Whisper a Prayer For Us
In the spirit of Jude 1:3, we are called to “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” This divine mandate fuels our apologetics ministry, guiding us to defend the truth and share the salvation we hold so dear. Our website serves as a beacon of light, offering clarity and understanding in a world filled with questions. It is a labour of love, born from the love of Christ, and a testament to our dedication to preserving the integrity of the faith. Your support through prayer not only helps us reach the hurting world with the message of Christ’s love, but also empowers us to expand the scope of this vital work.
Maintaining this platform requires resources, and our pockets aren’t deep. From web hosting to content creation, every aspect of our ministry incurs costs that we strive to cover without compromising our message. We believe in keeping our site accessible to all, free from distractions and commercial interests. Your prayers, therefore, are invaluable. They will allow us to focus on what truly matters—equipping believers and seekers alike with reasoned answers and unwavering hope.
If you feel moved by the Holy Spirit to support our cause, we earnestly beseech your prayers. May the Lord of the Universe—to whom all the world’s resources belong—grant us steadfastness in our sacred calling. Your intercession and prayers will embolden us to stand firm in our mission, heeding Jude’s call to contend earnestly for the faith.