Geologic Dating: Is It a Showstopper for Young Earth Science?
Human Immunology: Evidence of Design in Our Defence Systems
The Fall of Jerusalem: How History Confirms Jesus’s Prophecies
When Demons Ask Permission: What Mark 5 Reveals About Jesus
A dramatic demonstration of Christ's identity—His authority over the spiritual realm—and of His love for the helpless sinner.
“Let The Dead Bury Their Dead”: Jesus’ Radical Call to Discipleship
What is the Sin That Leads to Death? Understanding 1 John 5:16
Romans 9:13: Why Does God Say He ‘Hated’ Esau?
The Logos: Why Does John Call Jesus the Word?
Hosea & Gomer: Why God Commands a Prophet to Marry a Prostitute
Why Was Touching the Ark of God a Fatal Mistake?
The oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the Ark. That very moment, he died...