Christ's Righteousness Infused or Imputed

Christ’s Righteousness: Is it Infused or Imputed to the Believer?

Published On: November 27, 2024

The Great Exchange: How Christ’s Righteousness Becomes Ours

For centuries, Christians have wrestled with the fundamental question: How can sinful humanity be righteous before a holy God? The answer splits not just theological hairs but entire churches. On one side stands the Reformed tradition, proclaiming Christ’s righteousness is credited—imputed—to believers in a divine transaction that happens outside of us. On the other are those who insist righteousness must be infused into believers, gradually transforming us from within.

Join us on this exploration of imputed righteousness. Let’s discover why Reformed theology insists the only righteousness that can save us must come from outside ourselves. Let’s see why Luther called this truth “the article upon which the church stands or falls,” and why it offers the only solid ground for both assurance of salvation and authentic Christian living…

Christ’s Righteousness: Infused or Imputed?—Understanding the Key Terms

Before diving deeper, we need to grasp three crucial concepts:

  • Righteousness in biblical terms means perfect conformity to God’s law and character. It’s a standard none of us can achieve, as Scripture plainly declares: “None is righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10).
  • Imputation refers to the legal crediting of something to someone’s account. Think of it as a divine transaction where Christ’s perfect record is credited to our account while our sin debt is charged to His. This forms the heart of the Reformed view.
  • Infusion, by contrast, describes the Catholic view—that righteousness is gradually poured into believers, making them inherently righteous. While sanctification certainly makes us more holy over time, this differs fundamentally from the righteousness that justifies us before God.

Biblical Foundation for Imputed Righteousness

The Bible’s teaching on imputed righteousness doesn’t begin in the New Testament. Genesis 15:6 tells us Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.” Notice the word “counted”—Abraham didn’t become inherently righteous; God credited righteousness to him through faith.

The prophets anticipated this reality. Isaiah spoke of being clothed in “robes of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10), while Jeremiah prophesied of the coming Messiah as “The LORD our righteousness” (Jeremiah 23:6).

This theme reaches its fullest expression in Paul’s writings. Romans 4:5 declares faith is “counted as righteousness” to those who believe. But perhaps the clearest statement comes in 2 Corinthians 5:21: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” This verse captures the wonderful exchange—Christ takes our sin, we receive His righteousness.

Theological Arguments for Imputed Righteousness

Justification, in Reformed theology, is a legal declaration. God declares us righteous based not on what He does in us, but on what Christ has done for us. This declaration happens once, unlike sanctification which is ongoing.

Critical to understanding this is seeing Christ as our Federal Head. Just as Adam’s sin was credited to his posterity (Romans 5:12), so Christ’s righteousness is credited to all who are united to Him by faith. This parallel between Adam and Christ (Romans 5:12-21) powerfully supports the concept of imputation.

Addressing Common Objections

  • Is imputation a ‘legal fiction?’ Critics often dismiss imputed righteousness as a “legal fiction.” They argue it’s merely pretending we’re righteous when we’re not. This misunderstands both imputation and our union with Christ. When God declares us righteous, He does so based on our real union with Christ. It’s as real as our union with Adam—which no one calls a fiction when discussing inherited sin.
  • Does imputation promote lawlessness: Others worry this teaching promotes lawlessness. After all, if Christ’s righteousness is freely credited to us, why strive for holiness? This objection misunderstands the relationship between justification and sanctification. Far from undermining holiness, imputed righteousness provides its only secure foundation. When we know we’re already accepted in Christ, we serve from gratitude rather than fear.

The Catholic alternative of infused righteousness faces serious biblical and pastoral problems. It makes justification dependent on our cooperation and leaves us uncertain of our standing before God. How can we ever know if we’re righteous enough? The Reformed teaching, by contrast, grounds our acceptance entirely in Christ’s finished work.

Practical Implications

Understanding imputed righteousness transforms daily Christian living.

  • It provides unshakeable assurance. If our standing with God depends on Christ’s perfect righteousness rather than our imperfect performance, we can have complete confidence in our acceptance.
  • It provides the proper motivation for holiness. We pursue godliness not to earn God’s favour but because we already have it in Christ. This produces what the Reformers called “grateful obedience”—holiness flowing from thankfulness rather than fear.
  • It brings deep joy and peace. Knowing that God sees us clothed in Christ’s righteousness frees us from the exhausting treadmill of trying to earn His approval. We can rest in Christ’s finished work while growing in holiness as His Spirit works in us.


The imputation of Christ’s righteousness stands at the heart of Reformed soteriology. It teaches us our acceptance with God rests not on what He does in us (though that’s important) but on what Christ has done for us. This truth provides the only secure foundation for assurance, holiness, and Christian joy.

As we reflect on this doctrine, may it drive us to worship. Our standing with God doesn’t depend on our performance but on Christ’s perfect record credited to our account. That’s news worth celebrating—and a truth worth sharing.


Christ’s Righteousness: Infused or Imputed?—Related FAQs

  • How do we explain imputed righteousness to new believers? Think of imputed righteousness like a divine bank transfer—Christ’s perfect record is credited to our account while our sin debt is charged to His. Just as we don’t need to understand the complexities of banking to benefit from a deposit, a believer doesn’t need to fully grasp imputation to benefit from it. However, understanding this truth will deepen our appreciation of salvation and strengthen our faith.
  • What do we say to someone struggling with recurring sin while believing in imputed righteousness? Imputed righteousness doesn’t deny the reality of ongoing sin—rather, it provides the only secure basis for dealing with it. Remind them their standing with God is based on Christ’s perfect record, not their performance—this frees them to honestly confront their sin without fear of condemnation. This security in Christ actually empowers the fight against sin because it removes the paralysing effects of shame and fear of rejection.
  • How do we counsel folks who feel they’re “not good enough” despite understanding imputed righteousness intellectually? Begin by acknowledging the gap between intellectual understanding and heart knowledge can be significant—many believers struggle here. Help them see their very feeling of inadequacy proves their need for imputed righteousness, and encourage them to preach this truth to themselves daily through Scripture meditation and prayer. Suggest practical ways to remind themselves of their identity in Christ, such as journaling God’s promises or memorising key verses about their position in Christ.
  • Can believers lose imputed righteousness through serious sin? Since imputed righteousness is based on Christ’s perfect work and God’s declaration, not our performance, it cannot be lost through sin. What can be lost is our sense of assurance and the joy of our salvation, which is why repentance and faith are ongoing activities in the Christian life. The solution to serious sin isn’t to question our justification but to return to the cross in repentance.
  • How does understanding imputed righteousness affect our worship and prayer life? Understanding imputed righteousness transforms worship from a performance to prove our worth into a response of gratitude for Christ’s finished work. It allows us to approach God boldly in prayer, not because we’re worthy in ourselves, but because we come clothed in Christ’s righteousness. This truth also deepens our worship by focusing our attention on Christ’s perfect work rather than our imperfect efforts.


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