Signs of Christ's Return

Signs of Christ’s Return: Are We in the Last Days?

Published On: October 25, 2024


Every generation of Christians has asked itself: Could we be living in the last days? Today, more than ever, we observe a remarkable intensification of these Biblical markers, signalling Christ’s return could be near. Jesus cited specific signs believers were to watch for, and today we see these prophetic markers with growing clarity and intensity. From global upheaval to spiritual deception, from Israel’s prominence to worldwide gospel advancement, the prophetic puzzle pieces are falling into place with stunning precision. Could ours be the generation that witnesses Christ’s return?

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Scripture warns many will be caught unprepared, like those in Noah’s day who continued with business as usual until judgement arrived. Yet God in His mercy has provided clear signposts for those with eyes to see. Explore with us from Matthew 24 each of Christ’s prophecies on the end-time signs and, more importantly, how we might prepare for what’s coming. Our eternal destiny depends on how we respond to these prophetic warnings and promises.


Before diving into the signs of the end times, it’s crucial to grasp the context of Matthew 24. Jesus’ discourse here, often referred to as the Olivet Discourse, took place on the Mount of Olives, where His disciples asked Him a series of questions: When will these things happen? What will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the age?

Jesus’ response is a twofold prophecy, addressing both the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the future return of Christ. While some signs were fulfilled with the fall of Jerusalem, others point to the ultimate culmination of history. Understanding this distinction is key to interpreting what is happening in our world today.


When Jesus’ disciples asked about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, He provided a detailed prophetic framework in Matthew 24, known as the Olivet Discourse. This profound teaching offers essential insights for understanding prophetic signs and Biblical eschatology.

  1. False Messiahs and False Teachers (Matthew 24:4-5; 11): Jesus warned that many would come in His name, claiming to be the Christ and deceiving many. Throughout history, numerous false messiahs have emerged, from Bar Kokhba in ancient times to modern cult leaders claiming divine authority. The proliferation of false teaching and spiritual deception serves as a crucial end times indicator. The rise of prosperity gospel preachers, new age spirituality, and syncretistic belief systems fulfill this prophecy in our time. Scripture warns believers to test all things against God’s Word and maintain sound doctrine in these last days.
  2. Wars and Rumours of Wars (Matthew 24:6-7): While conflict has marked human history since the Fall, Jesus spoke of increasing warfare as a sign of the end times. Today’s weapons of mass destruction, cyber warfare capabilities, and nuclear arsenals have created unprecedented potential for global conflict. However, Scripture teaches that these events, while significant, are “but the beginning of birth pains.”
  3. Natural Disasters and Environmental Signs (Matthew 24:7-8): The Scripture speaks of increased natural disasters as the age draws to a close. Recent decades have witnessed intensifying natural phenomena, from devastating earthquakes to global pandemics. These events serve not as cause for panic but as reminders of creation’s groaning as it awaits redemption. The frequency and intensity of such occurrences call believers to maintain spiritual vigilance while trusting in God’s sovereign care.
  4. Persecution and Martyrdom (Matthew 24:9-10): Christ predicted intensifying persecution of true believers before His return. This prophecy finds stark fulfillment in our time, as religious persecution has reached historic levels worldwide. From underground churches facing government opposition to believers facing discrimination in secular societies, the reality of Christian persecution continues to grow. This development, while sobering, aligns with Biblical predictions and calls for increased prayer and support for persecuted believers.
  5. Global Gospel Proclamation (Matthew 24:14): A crucial prophetic sign is the gospel being preached to all nations. Modern advances in digital communications, Bible translation, and missionary movements have accelerated global gospel access in unprecedented ways. Yet the existence of numerous unreached people groups suggests this sign’s ongoing fulfillment, challenging the church to maintain its missionary focus until the task is complete.
  6. The Abomination of Desolation (Matthew 24:15-22): Jesus references Daniel’s prophecy concerning the “abomination of desolation,” marking a pivotal moment in end times chronology. This prophetic sign involves a desecration of the holy place, with Jesus specifically directing readers to understand Daniel’s prophecy. Sure, this event was prefigured in both the Roman destruction of the temple in AD 70 and in Antiochus Epiphanes’ actions in 167 BC. However, some theologians believe this prophecy has a future fulfillment as well, symbolising an event that will occur shortly before Christ’s return. This coming desecration appears connected to a period of unprecedented tribulation, so severe that “unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved.” Jesus’ detailed warning for those in Judea to flee to the mountains underscores both the specificity and gravity of this coming crisis, suggesting a literal future event centred in Jerusalem.
  7. Cosmic Signs and Christ’s Return (Matthew 24:29-31): The conclusion of the age will be marked by dramatic cosmic phenomena, as Jesus describes in Matthew 24:29-31. These celestial signs include the darkening of the sun and moon, stars falling from heaven, and the powers of the heavens being shaken. Such cosmic disruption precedes the glorious appearing of Christ, who will come “on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” The supernatural trumpet call and gathering of the elect from the four winds indicates a global, unmistakable event that will be visible to all humanity. These signs stand distinct from normal astronomical phenomena, representing a divine intervention that transcends natural explanation and culminates in Christ’s visible return to establish His kingdom.


Of the seven major prophetic signs outlined in Matthew 24, five have already seen significant fulfillment throughout church history, with increasing intensity in our present age. The appearance of false messiahs, warfare and rumours of wars, natural disasters, persecution of believers, and the global spread of the gospel have manifested repeatedly, forming a pattern of prophetic realisation that continues to unfold. Each of these signs appears to follow what theologians call a principle of “already but not yet”—partial fulfillment that foreshadow an ultimate culmination.

However, two key prophecies are yet to be fully realised: the abomination of desolation and the cosmic signs that will accompany Christ’s return. While the abomination of desolation may have had a preliminary fulfillment in the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, many theologians see it as foreshadowing a future event. The cosmic signs, such as the darkening of the sun and the falling of the stars, are yet to occur and will likely signal the final stage of human history before Christ’s second coming. This prophetic pattern suggests we are living in what Scripture calls “the last days”— a period marked by the increasing manifestation of these signs, even as we await the final, dramatic events that will herald the return of our Lord.


  • Lesson from the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-33) : Discern the Season Jesus provides the fig tree parable as a practical tool for prophetic discernment. Just as budding leaves signal summer’s approach, the convergence of Biblical signs indicates His return’s nearness. This natural metaphor teaches us to recognise prophetic seasons while anchoring our understanding in Christ’s unchanging words, which He declares more permanent than heaven and earth themselves.
  • The Call to Watchfulness (Matthew 24:36-44): Balancing Knowledge and Mystery The Lord follows this parable with a crucial paradox concerning His return. While providing clear prophetic markers, He emphasises the precise timing remains known only to the Father. Drawing parallels to Noah’s day, Jesus warns how ordinary life activities can dull spiritual alertness. His emphasis on unexpected timing—for He could come like the thief, at a time we least expect—and the need for constant readiness shapes the believer’s approach to both prophetic understanding and daily faithfulness, calling us to watchful service rather than anxious speculation.


As we consider the prophetic signs outlined by Jesus in Matthew 24, they serve not just as a timeline of future events but as a call to action for the present. In light of Christ’s promised return, how should we then live?

We’re To Remain Faithful: The prophetic signs Jesus outlined in the Olivet Discourse call us not to speculation but to steadfast faithfulness. Like the wise servant whom the master finds doing his assigned tasks, we’re called to maintain diligent service in our present responsibilities while watching for Christ’s return. This means continuing in prayer, growing in Biblical understanding, serving in our local churches, loving our families, and pursuing excellence in our daily work. The awareness of His coming should intensify, not diminish, our commitment to these God-given duties.

We’re To Be About the Gospel: Understanding prophetic signs should fuel our gospel urgency, not paralyse us with fear or devolve into endless debate. Jesus explicitly connected His return with the mission of global gospel proclamation, declaring the end will come only after the gospel reaches all nations. This profound truth means every act of evangelism, every missionary endeavour, and every effort to make Christ known brings us closer to that great day. We’re not merely waiting for Christ’s return; we’re participating in God’s plan to gather His people from every tribe and tongue.

We’re to Live Expectantly, Not Fearfully: The Olivet Discourse culminates not in terror but in hope. While Jesus spoke of tribulation and persecution, His message ultimately points to triumph—the Son of Man coming in glory to gather His elect. This blessed hope should shape our daily perspective, filling us with joyful expectation rather than anxiety. We need not fear the increasing darkness of this age, for it merely signals the approaching dawn of Christ’s return. The proper response to prophetic truth is neither fear nor complacency, but a vibrant, hopeful faith that anticipates our Lord’s appearing while engaging fully in His kingdom work today.


Signs of Christ’s Return—Related FAQs:

  • What other end-time markers do we read about excluding those in Matthew 24? Scripture provides numerous indicators of the end times, particularly in Paul’s letters. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, we find a sobering description of social and moral decay: people becoming lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, and having a form of godliness while denying its power. Second Thessalonians speaks of a great apostasy and the revelation of the man of lawlessness, while 2 Peter 3 describes increasing scepticism about Christ’s return. These signs are present throughout history, with increasing intensity as the end approaches. This calls for vigilant faithfulness rather than speculative anticipation.

What should we understand about the Battle of Armageddon? The Battle of Armageddon, prophesied in passages like Revelation 16:16 and Zechariah 14, represents the final cosmic conflict between Christ and the forces opposing God’s kingdom. While there are various interpretations even within Reformed theology, many Calvinist scholars understand Armageddon not as a literal geographical battle at Megiddo, but as symbolic of Christ’s ultimate triumph over evil, coinciding with His second coming and the final judgement. The Reformed view emphasises the Battle of Armageddon as pointing to the definitive triumph of Christ at His second coming. It underscores the certainty of God’s sovereignty and the ultimate restoration of His kingdom.

  • What about the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38, Revelation 20)? Is it related to Armageddon? The interpretation of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39) has historically been approached with careful nuance in Reformed theology. Many Reformed scholars see this prophecy as either representing the final opposition to God’s people before Christ’s return, with some viewing it as parallel to or part of Armageddon, while others interpret it as a separate conflict representing general opposition to the church throughout history. The Reformed tradition typically avoids overly literal geographic or political identifications of Gog and Magog, instead focusing on the theological message that God will ultimately preserve His people against all enemies, no matter how formidable. Traditional Reformed interpretation has emphasised that both the Gog-Magog prophecy and Armageddon point to the same ultimate truth: Christ’s final victory over all opposition to His kingdom, though they may describe different aspects or phases of this culmination.
  • What specific prophetic signs relate to Israel? Scripture connects several key end-time developments to Israel, rooted in God’s sovereign faithfulness to His covenant promises. The modern return of the Jewish people to their homeland, while significant, must be understood within the broader context of God’s redemptive purposes. While the return of the Jewish people to their homeland may hold historical significance, Reformed theology emphasises that the ultimate fulfilment of God’s covenant promises centres on Christ and His Church. The focus remains on the redemptive work of Christ for all nations, rather than on national Israel’s role in future prophecy.
  • How do Mark 13 and Luke 21 complement Matthew’s account of the Olivet Discourse? Each Gospel writer captures unique aspects of Jesus’ prophetic teaching while maintaining the core message. Luke provides additional details about Jerusalem’s destruction and emphasises the period of the Gentiles, while Mark adds the warning these signs are like birth pains—increasing in frequency and intensity. Together, these accounts provide a fuller picture of Christ’s teaching, emphasizing both the certainty of His return and our responsibility to remain faithful while we wait.

What does it mean to have “oil in our lamps” as described in Matthew 25? The parable of the wise and foolish virgins presents a crucial distinction between genuine and superficial faith. The oil represents the indwelling Holy Spirit and the authentic spiritual life that can only come through genuine regeneration—it cannot be borrowed or obtained at the last minute. This parable teaches that external religious activity without internal spiritual reality will prove insufficient when Christ returns, emphasizing the necessity of true saving faith rather than mere religious profession.

How should believers discern true vs. false signs of Christ’s return? Biblical discernment regarding end-time signs requires grounding in Scripture rather than headlines. All prophetic interpretation must align with the whole counsel of God’s Word, be consistent with the gospel of grace, and lead to greater faithfulness rather than speculation or fear. False teachings typically focus on date-setting, sensationalism, or special revelation beyond Scripture, while true prophetic understanding promotes spiritual maturity and gospel advancement.


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