A Name No One Else Knows: Revelation 19:12’s Mystery
In Revelation 19, the Apostle John beholds Christ in His triumphant return as the conquering King. Among the striking details [...]
When Bible Verses Vanish: What Happened to the 14 ‘Missing’?
In modern Bibles, we encounter a curious phenomenon: verses that seem to skip numbers or appear in footnotes—rather than in [...]
John 14:12: What Does Jesus Mean by ‘Greater Works Than These’?
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater [...]
A Royal Priesthood: Why Does Peter Address Believers Thus?
The Apostle Peter’s words in 1 Peter 2:9 are striking: they include one of the most profound declarations of Christian [...]
Seventh Day Adventism: How Does It Differ From Biblical Doctrine?
What do Seventh Day Adventists believe, and how does it differ from traditional Christian teaching? Seventh Day Adventism (SDA) parted [...]
Born Guilty: Why Affirm the Difficult Doctrine of Original Sin?
Ever wondered why a newborn baby, seemingly innocent, still needs salvation? Or why every human culture, despite its best efforts, [...]
Dead Men Rising: Exploring Matthew 27’s Mass Resurrection
In the precise moment of Christ's death, a whole cluster of unprecedented events occurred (Matthew 27:51-53). Among them, Matthew's gospel [...]
What Does It Mean That Christ Is Our Morning Star?
HERALD OF GOD’S NEW DAWN In the final chapter of Scripture, Jesus makes a profound declaration about His identity: “I [...]
Job’s Many Trials: What Purposes Did They Serve in the End?
The Book of Job is one of Scripture’s most profound explorations of human suffering and divine purpose. Through the devastating [...]
Geologic Dating: Is It a Showstopper for Young Earth Science?
Are Millions of Years Written in Stone? When you pick up a rock, you're holding a piece of Earth's history [...]
Human Immunology: Evidence of Design in Our Defence Systems
The human immune system is one of the most remarkable examples of biological complexity in nature. As our understanding of [...]
The Fall of Jerusalem: How History Confirms Jesus’s Prophecies
The haunting words of Jesus Christ echoed through Jerusalem’s streets around 30 CE: “Not one stone here will be left [...]
When Demons Ask Permission: What Mark 5 Reveals About Jesus
The account of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 presents one of the most dramatic demonstrations of Christ's identity—and His [...]
“Let The Dead Bury Their Dead”: Jesus’ Radical Call to Discipleship
“Lord, first let me go and bury my father.” “Follow me,” Jesus replied, “and let the dead bury their dead.” [...]
What is the Sin That Leads to Death? Understanding 1 John 5:16
“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may [...]
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