• End-Time Babylon
    End-Time Babylon: Cracking the Prophetic Mystery

    Few images in Bible prophecy are as haunting and complex as the mysterious Babylon of Revelation. More than a historical [...]

  • Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    Marriage Supper of the Lamb: The Grandest Celebration Ever Foretold

    In God's redemptive plan, few images capture the heart of His love quite as powerfully as the Marriage Supper of [...]

  • Old Vs New Calvinism
    Old vs New Calvinism: What’s the Difference?

    HOW 'NEW' CALVINISM CHALLENGES THE OLD Imagine a theological tradition that has weathered centuries of cultural shifts, philosophical challenges, and [...]

  • Christ's Return Foretold
    Christ’s Return Foretold: Key Old Testament Prophecies

    THE FOUNDATION OF PROPHETIC CREDIBILITY Long before the first Christmas, God was meticulously weaving a prophetic tapestry that would reveal [...]

  • Cellular Precision
    Blueprints of Life: Why Cellular Precision Demands a Designer

    In the microscopic world of the cell, an intricate ballet unfolds every moment of every day. Molecules move with purpose, [...]

  • Four Millennial Views
    Christ’s Return: A Primer on the Four Millennial Views

    The millennium—that mysterious 1000-year period mentioned in Revelation 20—has sparked intense debate among Christians. Does Christ return before or after [...]

    Embryo Adoption: Does It Align with God’s Design for Families?

    DOES GOD'S HEART FOR ORPHANS EXTEND TO FROZEN EMBRYOS? Advances in reproductive tech have created a new frontier in adoption—that [...]

  • Judgement Seat vs Great White Throne
    Judgement Seat vs. Great White Throne: Are They Different?

    When we think about judgement in the Bible, what comes to mind often is a single final day when everyone [...]

  • What Will Glorified Bodies Be Like?
    The Great Resurrection: What Will Glorified Bodies Be Like?

    The biblical doctrine of bodily resurrection continues to raise eyebrows. Christians themselves are often fuzzy on the details, preferring to [...]

  • No One Knows the Day Or Hour
    Why Does Jesus Say “No One Knows the Day or Hour”?

    Jesus' statement in Matthew 24:36 continues to perplex many: "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even [...]

  • Apostasy in the Last Days
    Apostasy in the Last Days: What Does the Bible Say?

    In His sovereign wisdom, God reveals through Scripture a great falling away will precede Christ's return. Apostasy—the deliberate abandonment of [...]

  • The Unexamined Life
    What Is the Unexamined Life? And Why Does It Leave Us Unfulfilled?

    When the ancient philosopher Socrates declared "the unexamined life is not worth living," he touched on a truth that resonates [...]

  • The Promised Elijah
    Malachi’s Closing Prophecy: Who Is the Promised Elijah?

    The closing words of the Old Testament leave us with a tantalising prophecy. As the curtain falls on Malachi's prophecy, [...]

  • Christian Joy
    Christian Joy: Is It a Personal Choice or a Feeling? Or Neither?

    In our modern culture, joy is often portrayed as either a positive emotion we stumble upon or a mindset we [...]

  • Man After God's Own Heart
    Grace Alone: Why David Was ‘A Man After God’s Own Heart’

    The Bible offers us a fascinating description of King David, declaring him to be "a man after God's own heart" [...]