End-Time Babylon: Cracking the Prophetic Mystery
Few images in Bible prophecy are as haunting and complex as the mysterious Babylon of Revelation. More than a historical [...]
Marriage Supper of the Lamb: The Grandest Celebration Ever Foretold
In God's redemptive plan, few images capture the heart of His love quite as powerfully as the Marriage Supper of [...]
Old vs New Calvinism: What’s the Difference?
HOW 'NEW' CALVINISM CHALLENGES THE OLD Imagine a theological tradition that has weathered centuries of cultural shifts, philosophical challenges, and [...]
Christ’s Return Foretold: Key Old Testament Prophecies
THE FOUNDATION OF PROPHETIC CREDIBILITY Long before the first Christmas, God was meticulously weaving a prophetic tapestry that would reveal [...]
Blueprints of Life: Why Cellular Precision Demands a Designer
In the microscopic world of the cell, an intricate ballet unfolds every moment of every day. Molecules move with purpose, [...]
Christ’s Return: A Primer on the Four Millennial Views
The millennium—that mysterious 1000-year period mentioned in Revelation 20—has sparked intense debate among Christians. Does Christ return before or after [...]
Embryo Adoption: Does It Align with God’s Design for Families?
DOES GOD'S HEART FOR ORPHANS EXTEND TO FROZEN EMBRYOS? Advances in reproductive tech have created a new frontier in adoption—that [...]
Judgement Seat vs. Great White Throne: Are They Different?
When we think about judgement in the Bible, what comes to mind often is a single final day when everyone [...]
The Great Resurrection: What Will Glorified Bodies Be Like?
The biblical doctrine of bodily resurrection continues to raise eyebrows. Christians themselves are often fuzzy on the details, preferring to [...]
Why Does Jesus Say “No One Knows the Day or Hour”?
Jesus' statement in Matthew 24:36 continues to perplex many: "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even [...]
Apostasy in the Last Days: What Does the Bible Say?
In His sovereign wisdom, God reveals through Scripture a great falling away will precede Christ's return. Apostasy—the deliberate abandonment of [...]
What Is the Unexamined Life? And Why Does It Leave Us Unfulfilled?
When the ancient philosopher Socrates declared "the unexamined life is not worth living," he touched on a truth that resonates [...]
Malachi’s Closing Prophecy: Who Is the Promised Elijah?
The closing words of the Old Testament leave us with a tantalising prophecy. As the curtain falls on Malachi's prophecy, [...]
Christian Joy: Is It a Personal Choice or a Feeling? Or Neither?
In our modern culture, joy is often portrayed as either a positive emotion we stumble upon or a mindset we [...]
Grace Alone: Why David Was ‘A Man After God’s Own Heart’
The Bible offers us a fascinating description of King David, declaring him to be "a man after God's own heart" [...]
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