• Why Does God Say He Hated Esau
    Romans 9:13: Why Does God Say He ‘Hated’ Esau?

    God's declaration in Romans 9 is striking, and at first read, perhaps even harsh, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I [...]

  • The LOGOS
    The Logos: Why Does John Call Jesus the Word?

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). The [...]

  • Hosea and Gomer
    Hosea & Gomer: Why God Commands a Prophet to Marry a Prostitute

    WHEN A MARRIAGE BECOMES A SERMON: ON GOD’S RADICAL LOVE… The command is jarring, even offensive to our modern sensibilities: [...]

  • Why was touching of the Ark fatal?
    Why Was Touching the Ark of God a Fatal Mistake?

    The oxen stumbled. Without thinking, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the Ark of God. In that split second, [...]

  • Am I Among God's Elect?
    Am I Among God’s Elect? How Can I Be Sure?

    Few questions carry more eternal weight than this: "Am I truly among God's elect?" In the depths of night, the [...]

  • Why would God wrestle with Jacob
    The Mystery Duel at Peniel: Why Would God Wrestle with Jacob?

    Jacob was no stranger to struggles. Even in the womb, he’d grapple with his twin, Esau—grasping at his heel at [...]

  • Jesus the Firstborn of All Creation
    Colossians 1:15: How is Jesus the Firstborn of All Creation?

    The title “Firstborn of All Creation” is one of Scripture’s most emphatic descriptions of Christ’s pre-eminence, and yet, is often [...]

  • Why did God punish Lot's wife
    Why Did God Punish Lot’s Wife? What Was Her Sin?

    The account of Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26) is one of the most striking examples [...]

  • The sin of Ham
    What Specifically Was the Sin of Ham, Noah’s Son?

    The story of the sin of Ham, Noah’s son, recorded in Genesis 9:20-27, has been the subject of much discussion, [...]

  • Chosen in eternity past
    Chosen in Eternity Past: Exploring God’s Election in Ephesians 1:4

    Chosen in eternity past—the thought is staggering. Before God spoke light into existence, before He stretched out the heavens like [...]

  • The Sons of God and Nephilim
    Who Are the ‘Sons of God’ and ‘Nephilim’ in Genesis 6?

    For centuries, Genesis 6:1-4 has been one of the most intriguing and debated passages in Scripture. The four verses have [...]

  • The Study of Names
    The Study of Names: Surprising Support for Bible Reliability

    In archaeology, a new approach is emerging that people outside of academic circles may seldom have encountered: the study called [...]

  • en Discoveries Support New Testament Reliability:
    Ten Discoveries That Support New Testament Reliability

    For centuries, sceptics have questioned the historical accuracy of the New Testament. However, modern archaeological discoveries continue to validate Bible [...]

  • All of Creation is Groaning
    All of Creation is Groaning: What Does Scripture Mean?

    The Apostle Paul presents a remarkable insight in Romans 8:19-22, declaring "the whole creation has been groaning as in the [...]

  • Haldane's Dilemma
    Haldane’s Dilemma: Why Can’t Evolution’s Math Add Up?

    When a pioneering evolutionary biologist discovers a mathematical problem that challenges the very theory he helped develop, it’s worth paying [...]