• Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?
    Did Jesus Really Die On the Cross? Medical Proof Vs the Swoon Theory

    *Editor’s Note: This post is part of our series, Satan’s Lies: Common Deceptions in the Church Today’… DID JESUS REALLY [...]

  • Did the Disciples Steal Jesus' Body
    The Empty Tomb: Did the Disciples Steal Jesus’ Body?

    *Editor’s Note: This post is part of our series, Satan’s Lies: Common Deceptions in the Church Today’… DID THE DISCIPLES [...]

  • Bible Inerrancy
    Bible Inerrancy Explained: Answering Today’s Toughest Challenges

    For Christians, the doctrine of biblical inerrancy remains foundational. Even central. The stakes couldn’t be higher. After all, if Scripture [...]

  • Assisted suicide
    End-of-Life Choices: Is Assisted Suicide Ever the Answer?

    A woman sits beside her father's hospital bed, watching him struggle through another day of terminal cancer. His once-strong voice [...]

  • Why Did Jesus Insist on Being Baptised
    Why Did Jesus Insist on Being Baptised? Five Biblical Reasons

    In Matthew's Gospel, we encounter a fascinating moment that never fails to puzzle us. John the Baptist, seeing Jesus approaching [...]

  • The Biblical case for Baptism
    Not Optional: The Biblical Case for Baptism of New Converts

    The journey from another faith tradition to Christianity is profound and deeply personal. It often involves wrestling with questions of [...]

  • The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism
    The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism: Calvin’s 7 Key Arguments

    The Biblical Case For Infant Baptism: The baptism debate has torn churches apart, divided friends, and caused countless believers to [...]

  • Jesus predicts His death and resurrection
    Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection: Why Must We Care?

    Imagine being able to describe in detail the circumstances of your own death—and wait for it, your triumphant return to [...]

  • saved through childbearing
    ‘Saved Through Childbearing’: What Does 1 Timothy 2:15 Mean?

    Ancient Ephesus, with its temple to Artemis and its deeply entrenched pagan beliefs about childbearing and feminine power, provides the [...]

  • Can't there be forgiveness without the shedding of blood
    Why Can’t There Be Forgiveness Without the “Shedding of Blood”?

    Hebrews 9:22 Explained The question haunts the modern mind: why would a loving God require blood for forgiveness? In ancient [...]

  • What does it mean to share in Christs sufferings
    What Does It Mean For Us to Share in Christ’s Suffering? (1 Peter 4:13)

    "But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is [...]

  • Mystery Man Melchizedek
    Mystery Man Melchizedek: How Does He Foreshadow Christ?

    In the vast narrative of Scripture, few figures emerge as mysteriously or disappear as swiftly as Melchizedek does. His brief [...]

  • Praying in the Spirit
    Praying in the Spirit: How the Holy Ghost Empowers Our Prayer Life

    Ever sat down to pray and felt like you're just talking to the ceiling? If you're not a believer in [...]

  • Grieving miscarriage
    Grieving Miscarriage: Biblical Comfort for Broken Hearts

    The nursery remains unpainted, the announcement cards unsent, the dreams shattered in the devastating silence of an ultrasound room. Miscarriage—this [...]

  • Which Saves: Christ’s Life, Death or Both
    Which Saves the Believer: Christ’s Life, Death, or Both?

    Which Saves: Christ’s Life, Death or Both? Throughout church history, Christians have pondered the relationship between Christ's perfect life and [...]