Discern God's will

Divine GPS: How may I Discern God’s Will?

Published On: May 22, 2024

How does a pilot safely land a plane at night? By lining up the nose of the craft with the runway’s landing lights on either side. In the same way, God has provided believers with “landing lights” to help us discern God’s will, and make wise, godly decisions according to this will.

The Mistake of Lot: Remember the context of Lot’s choice in Genesis 13? Due to the abundance of their flocks and herds, there was strife between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot. To avoid conflict, Abraham generously allowed Lot to choose which region he wanted first. Though Abraham let his nephew make the first choice, Lot’s mistake was bigger than just taking the better land for himself. The fertile valley of the Jordan plain that Lot coveted also happened to contain the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 13:10-13). His mistake wasn’t merely in not letting Abraham choose first. Neither was it in picking the best option for himself—after all, don’t we all choose what seems best to us? Where Lot went wrong was in not seeking the Lord’s will: “Lord, what should I choose?” (Proverbs 3:5-6). What a tragedy Lot could have saved himself and his family from, if he had but enquired of God about His will. Lot’s choice to dwell in the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah led to the loss of his wife, his home, his reputation and nearly cost him his daughters too (Genesis 19). We would do well to learn from Lot’s mistake and not take any decision big or small without first consulting God and being assured of His stamp of approval.

Four Landing Lights To Help Us Discern God’s Will
For believers, there are four primary “landing lights” that, when all are aligned, can illumine the path of God’s will:

  • God’s Word: Scripture is the infallible, authoritative revelation of God’s will (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Does this decision violate any biblical precepts? Aligning with His Word is paramount.
  • Counsel of Believing Parents or Spiritual Parents: can provide invaluable godly counsel through life experience (Proverbs 19:20). We ignore their input at great peril.
  • Counsel of Prayerful, Godly Elders: Seeking wisdom from elders who have travailed over your situation in prayer provides crucial guidance. God’s Word tells us there is wisdom in seeking the counsel of others (Proverbs 15:22; James 1:5).
  • Inner Peace of the Spirit: When the Holy Spirit is leading, He’ll grant an inexplicable peace about the decision (Colossians 3:15). If unease remains, don’t proceed

The Final Analysis: So what if, say, two “landing lights” seem aligned but two others don’t? May we suggest it’s unwise to proceed unless all four confirm God’s direction for you?

Even after due diligence, making that final call can feel like leaping into the dark. But we can pray: “Lord, with the wisdom You’ve granted, I’ve done my homework. All four lights are lit, confirming this is Your will for me. So I step out, trusting You.”

While discerning God’s will can be challenging, He hasn’t left us rudderless. By heeding His Word, trustworthy counsel, peace from His Spirit, and wisdom from prayerful elders, we can make decisions with the confidence that we’re following our perfect Pilot’s lead.

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