Saving a hasty marriage

Saving a Hasty Marriage: God’s Perspective

Published On: May 25, 2024

I married in haste assuming my spouse is a believer. I feel pressured to compromise, and honestly, am on the verge of giving up. What do I do?

Marriage is a sacred covenant before God (Matthew 19:6) and should not be entered into lightly or without seeking His counsel. However, even the most devout believers do make mistakes or misjudgements in haste. If you find yourself doubting the faith of the spouse you married, that does not mean the marriage is automatically nullified or that you should simply “give up.”

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

You married in haste, but giving up now would be another misstep. As believers, we must strive to uphold God’s ideals for marriage, even when we have faltered.

The Sanctity of Marriage

So why should we consider saving a hasty marriage? Scripture is clear: God loathes divorce (Malachi 2:16) because marriage is a sacred, unbreakable covenant (Mark 10:9). He intended it to be a lifelong union where two become “one flesh” spiritually, emotionally, and physically (Genesis 2:24).

A Reflection of the Trinity

Furthermore, God wants Christian marriages to reflect the perfect, eternal unity of the Trinity. Husbands and wives, in holy union, are called to be a light and testimony of God’s relationship with the church (Ephesians 5:31-32).

The Guilt We Bear

To dissolve that hallowed bond lightly would be to turn our backs on God’s profound purpose and design. Doing so may leave us bearing the heavy guilt—all our lives—of knowing we did not honour the solemn vows we made before the Lord and our spouse.

Saving a Hasty Marriage When Compromises Seem Inevitable
There may be times when you feel like you’re having to make too many compromises to keep the marriage intact. In such seasons, seek the Lord’s wisdom through fervent prayer and godly counsel. While compromise is necessary, you must not violate core biblical principles. Stand firm on non-negotiables, while being willing to bend on disputable matters (Romans 14:5).

Marriage as Mission Field 

The road ahead may be difficult if your spouse lacks faith, consider your marriage a mission field. Depend daily on God’s boundless grace as you lovingly persevere, praying that your godly example might lead your spouse to surrender to Christ (1 Peter 3:1-2).

Saving a Hasty Marriage: The Lord Can Restore Broken Relationships

Do not lose hope. If you both earnestly seek Him, God can rekindle the spiritual unity and oneness He intended for your marriage (Isaiah 61:1-3). He who began this good work in you will be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6). No situation is beyond His redemptive power.

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