The Ordo Salutis: What are the Seven Steps in Our Salvation?
Salvation is the greatest gift a human being can receive. It is God’s work—from start to finish. The divine gift brings us from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and from enmity with God to friendship with Him. To grasp the depth of this miraculous transformation, we shall do well to consider the logical order in which God unfolds His saving work in our lives.
This logical order is often called by its Latin name, the Ordo Salutis. The Order of Salvation outlines how God’s grace interacts with our response to bring about our salvation, and extends from eternity past to eternity future.
STEP 1: Elected and Predestined—Our Names Are in the Heavenly Roster
Imagine being on the ultimate VIP list—that’s what election is all about! Before the world even began, God chose certain people to save. This isn’t about us being better than others; rather, it’s all about God’s mysterious love and grace.
- God picked us before we could do anything good or bad
- His choice isn’t based on what He saw we would do in the future
The journey of salvation, thus, begins in the heart of God. Before the foundations of the world were laid, God chose, in His sovereignty, to save certain individuals. This choice is known as election. As the Apostle Paul writes, “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him” (Ephesians 1:4). Election is not based on any merit or foreseen faith in us but solely on God’s grace and purpose. Predestination, closely tied to election, refers to God’s decision to bring the elect to a final state of salvation. Romans 8:29-30 explains, “For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son… And those whom He predestined, He also called, and those whom He called, He also justified, and those whom He justified, He also glorified.” Thus, election and predestination set the stage for all subsequent steps in salvation, underscoring that salvation is a work of God from beginning to end.
STEP 2: Called—The King’s Invitation Arrives
God could have chosen any method to reach His elect, but in His infinite wisdom, He uses a network of human agents—forgiven sinners—to spread the good news. It’s a mind-blowing concept when you think about it!
- God uses ordinary people to deliver His extraordinary message
- They’re His divine postal workers, delivering heavenly invitations
- Their job is to share the gospel with everyone, not knowing who’s on the VIP list
Although election is the beginning of God’s saving work, He has ordained the means by which the elect come to faith—namely, through the proclamation of the Gospel. Evangelism is the act of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, inviting people to believe in Him for the forgiveness of sins. The Bible stresses the importance of evangelism: “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” (Romans 10:14). Evangelism is God’s way of calling His chosen ones to faith and is crucial for making the message of salvation known to us.
STEP 3: Regenerated—The Spiritual Heart Transplant
Regeneration is when the Holy Spirit swoops in and gives us a spiritual makeover from the inside out.
- It’s like being born again, but this time with a heart that beats for God
- We were spiritually dead, but God brings us to life
- This happens before we even realise we need God!
Regeneration is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that precedes our response to God. It is the moment when God makes us spiritually alive, taking us from spiritual death to spiritual life. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). This new birth is not something we can achieve by our own efforts; it is entirely the work of God, giving us a new heart and a new spirit. Ezekiel 36:26 describes this transformation: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.” Regeneration is necessary for us to respond in faith, as it enables us to see the beauty of the Gospel and respond to God’s call.
STEP 4: Converted—Our Spiritual U-Turn
Conversion is our response to God’s wake-up call. It’s like we’ve been driving down the highway of life in the wrong direction, and suddenly we realize it and make a dramatic U-turn!
- Repentance: Hitting the brakes on our old way of life
- Faith: Trusting Jesus to be our new GPS and guide
- It’s not just feeling sorry; it’s a complete change of heart and direction
Conversion is the human response to God’s regenerating work and consists of two inseparable parts: repentance and faith. Repentance involves turning away from sin, while faith involves turning toward God and trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Jesus proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). True conversion results in a transformed life, a new direction guided by the Holy Spirit, and a commitment to follow Jesus. This turning away from sin and turning to God is a hallmark of genuine faith.
STEP 5: Justified—God’s ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict
Picture ourselves in God’s courtroom, trembling as our long list of mess-ups is read out. But then, plot twist! God slams down His gavel and declares, “Not guilty!” That’s justification, for us!
- It’s not about suddenly becoming perfect; it’s about God seeing us through Jesus-tinted glasses
- Faith is like the hand that receives this amazing gift
Justification is a legal term that describes our being declared righteous before God. This declaration is based not on our righteousness but on the righteousness of Christ. When we place our faith in Jesus, His righteousness is credited to our account, and our sins are forgiven. Paul explains, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Through faith, we are justified, or made right with God, not because of anything we have done but solely because of what Christ has done on our behalf. This is a pivotal step in the Ordo Salutis, as it assures us of our standing before God.
STEP 6: Sanctified—Our Spiritual Gym Time
Alright, so we’re part of God’s family now—but the journey’s far from over! Sanctification is like hitting the spiritual gym, growing stronger in our faith day by day.
- It’s a lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus
- There will be tough workouts and setbacks, but overall, we shall continue to make progress
- The Holy Spirit is our personal trainer, cheering us, every step of the way.
Sanctification is the ongoing process of being made holy, a work of the Holy Spirit that continues throughout the believer’s life. While justification happens once and for all, sanctification is progressive. It is the process by which we become more like Christ, growing in holiness and obedience to God’s Word. Philippians 2:12-13 encourages us, “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Sanctification is both a divine work and a human responsibility, as we strive to live out the new life given to us in Christ.
The Ordo Salutis STEP 7: Glorified—The Happy Ever After
Last but definitely not least, we’ve got glorification. This is the final boss level of our salvation journey—the moment we’re fully transformed and get to hang out with Jesus forever!
- No more struggle with sin or temptation
- Our bodies and souls will be perfectly whole
- It’s the happily-ever-after we’ve been waiting for!
The final step in the Ordo Salutis is glorification, the moment when we will be completely and eternally transformed to be like Christ. Glorification is the ultimate fulfillment of our salvation, where we will receive new, glorified bodies, free from sin and death, and we will dwell in the presence of God forever. Romans 8:30 gives us this hope: “And those whom He justified, He also glorified.” It is the culmination of God’s saving work, the final step that ensures our complete and eternal union with Christ. Glorification is the assurance that our salvation will be made complete, and we will see God face to face.
Remember, the Ordo Salutis isn’t just dry theology. It’s the story of how much God loves us and the lengths He’s gone to bring us into His family. No matter where we are in this journey, we can be sure God’s got our backs every step of the way.
The Ordo Salutis provides a framework to understand the magnificent work of God in saving sinners. From election to glorification, every step is a testament to God’s grace, sovereignty, and love. It is a journey that begins with God’s eternal choice and culminates in our eternal joy. As we reflect on the Ordo Salutis, let us be reminded of the greatness of our salvation and be encouraged to trust in God’s saving work, knowing that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6). Trust in His work, rest in His grace, and live out the faith that He has graciously given to you.
Related FAQs
What is the Ordo Salutis? The Ordo Salutis, Latin for “Order of Salvation,” refers to the sequence of events in God’s salvation plan for individuals. It outlines the logical steps through which God brings a sinner from a state of spiritual death to eternal life. While these steps may happen concurrently, they reflect the divine order of how God’s grace works in the believer’s life.
What does election mean in the Ordo Salutis? Election refers to God’s sovereign choice to save certain individuals before the foundation of the world. This choice is based solely on God’s grace and not on any foreseen merit or action of the individual. It emphasizes God’s initiative in salvation, demonstrating that salvation begins with God’s will and not human effort.
How does the concept of calling fit into the Ordo Salutis? Calling is the act by which God summons the elect to faith in Christ through the proclamation of the Gospel. This includes both an external call (hearing the Gospel) and an internal call (the Holy Spirit’s work in the heart, leading to a response of faith). It is through this calling that the elect are drawn to respond to God’s offer of salvation.
What role does regeneration play in salvation? Regeneration is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit that brings spiritual life to a person who was spiritually dead. It is often described as being “born again,” where God transforms the heart, enabling the individual to understand and embrace the Gospel. This new birth precedes and enables the faith response of the individual.
What is meant by justification in the Ordo Salutis? Justification is the legal declaration by God that a sinner is righteous based on the righteousness of Christ. Through faith, the believer’s sins are forgiven, and Christ’s righteousness is imputed to them, meaning they are considered righteous in God’s sight. It marks the transition from a state of guilt and condemnation to one of acceptance and peace with God.
How does sanctification differ from justification? While justification is a one-time legal declaration of righteousness, sanctification is the ongoing process of becoming holy. It involves the believer being gradually conformed to the image of Christ, growing in grace and godliness. Sanctification is both a work of God and a cooperative effort where the believer actively pursues a life of obedience and spiritual growth.
What is glorification in the Ordo Salutis? Glorification is the final step in the salvation process, occurring when believers are fully and eternally transformed into the likeness of Christ. It happens at the end of time, when believers receive their resurrection bodies, free from sin and suffering, and enter into the eternal presence of God. Glorification completes the believer’s redemption and ensures eternal fellowship with God.
How does the Ordo Salutis differ across various theological perspectives? The Ordo Salutis can vary significantly across theological traditions. In Arminian theology, for example, the order emphasizes human free will more heavily, with God’s election being conditional upon foreseen faith, and the possibility of resisting grace or falling from salvation. In Roman Catholicism, justification is seen as a process involving both faith and works, initiated by baptism, and sanctification is viewed as part of this ongoing justification. Eastern Orthodox theology focuses less on a specific order and more on theosis, the process of becoming united with God, which involves cooperation between divine grace and human free will. Each tradition thus offers a different perspective on how God’s grace and human response interact in the process of salvation.
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