When God Gives Us A New Heart: How Grace Rewires Our Desires
A Mystery: How Our Heart Changes Over Time
It’s nothing less than a profound mystery: when we truly encounter Christ, we begin to change. It isn’t merely our actions or words that change—our very desires, affections, and motivations are transformed. The things we once loved no longer hold the same appeal, and the things we once resisted now draw us in. What explains this inner transformation?
What follows is a discussion of this mystery—specifically, how regeneration brings about a new heart and changes our affections over time. This applies to all among us who’ve trusted in Christ for our salvation. If this isn’t you—yet—do consider what you’re missing, and He offers: a heart made new by grace.
The Natural Heart’s Condition
Our understanding of human nature in the Reformed tradition begins with a sobering reality: apart from Christ, our hearts are not merely sick or weakened—they’re spiritually dead. This condition, known as total depravity, affects every aspect of our being, including our desires and affections. Like a compass with a damaged magnetic core, our natural hearts invariably point away from true north—away from God.
While unbelievers can certainly perform good deeds and experience noble emotions through God’s common grace, their deepest affections remain fundamentally self-oriented rather than God-oriented. This isn’t merely about behaviour; it’s about the core orientation of our desires. Even religious activities can be pursued from self-serving motives rather than genuine love for God.
The Divine Heart Surgery: Regeneration
When God Gives Us A New Heart: Into this spiritual deadness, God performs what can only be described as divine heart surgery. This supernatural operation is what we call regeneration—the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in giving spiritual life to those who’re spiritually dead. The prophet Ezekiel captured this divine promise beautifully: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26).
This regenerating work isn’t a collaborative effort between God and man—it’s monergistic—a sovereign work of God from start to finish. Like Lazarus being called forth from the tomb, we contribute nothing to our spiritual resurrection except the dead heart that needs to be made alive. This instantaneous work of God creates within us new spiritual capacities and inclinations.
The Process of Sanctification—of Our Affections
When God Gives Us A New Heart: While regeneration is instantaneous, the reshaping of our affections—our sanctification—is a gradual process. Think of it as the difference between receiving a heart transplant and the subsequent physical therapy that follows. The new heart is given in a moment, but learning to live with it takes time.
This process involves both divine and human activity. God continues to work in us “to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13), while we’re called to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12). Our affections are increasingly transformed as we expose ourselves to God’s Word, respond to His Spirit’s prompting, and engage with His means of grace.
When God Gives Us A New Heart: Signs of Genuine Transformation
How can we recognise genuine heart transformation? The signs are both subtle and profound. New loves begin to emerge—a growing delight in God’s Word, an increasing desire for prayer, a deepening love for God’s people. Simultaneously, new hatreds develop—a growing distaste for sin, an increasing awareness of our own spiritual poverty, a diminishing attraction to worldly values.
Our relationship to sin changes fundamentally. While we still struggle with sin, we no longer enjoy it as we once did. There’s a new grief over sin that wasn’t present before, accompanied by a growing desire for holiness that flows not from mere duty but from delight.
Common Struggles in Heart Change
This journey of heart transformation isn’t without its challenges. The presence of indwelling sin means we often experience internal conflict—what the Apostle Paul described as a war between flesh and Spirit (Galatians 5:17). There are seasons of spiritual dryness where our affections feel cold and our desires seem dull.
Reformed theology helps us navigate these struggles by reminding us our security rests not in the consistency of our affections but in the faithfulness of God. Even in seasons of backsliding, God’s preserving grace keeps us from final apostasy.
The End Goal: Christ-Shaped Affections
The ultimate aim of this heart transformation is nothing less than conformity to Christ himself. We’re being changed “from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18), moving toward an eternal state where our affections will be perfectly aligned with God’s.
This future hope has present implications. Knowing we will one day see Christ and be made like Him (1 John 3:2) motivates us to pursue heart-change now. The joy set before us helps us endure even the sometimes painful process of having our affections reshaped.
Conclusion: When God Gives Us A New Heart
The transformation of our affections is one of the most profound evidences of God’s saving work in our lives. While this change is neither uniform nor complete in this life, its reality is undeniable in the life of every true believer. For those in Christ, let’s take heart—the One who began this good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6). Our struggles with remaining sin and imperfect affections aren’t signs of failure but evidence of the Spirit’s sanctifying work in our life.
For those who haven’t yet trusted in Christ, please note, the transformation we’ve discussed isn’t achieved through self-improvement or religious dedication. It begins with receiving new life from God through faith in Christ. Only then does the journey of heart transformation truly begin.
The marvel of this entire process is God does it all for His glory, yet designs it for our deepest joy. As our affections are increasingly shaped by and directed toward Christ, we discover He is indeed supremely satisfying—the treasure in the field we gladly sell everything else to buy.
When God Gives Us A New Heart—Related FAQs
Does a changed heart mean I’ll never struggle with my old temptations? A new heart doesn’t mean instant freedom from old struggles. Think of it more like receiving a heart transplant while still recovering in our old environment—the new heart gives us new capacities and desires, but we’re still dealing with ingrained habits and patterns. What does change is our fundamental relationship to these temptations: we now have both the desire and the Spirit-given ability to fight against them, even when the battle is hard.
How can I tell if my heart has truly changed or if I’m just being religious? Genuine heart change manifests differently from mere religious behaviour modification. The key distinction lies in motivation—religious performance is driven by duty, fear, or the desire for approval, while true heart change produces a genuine love for God and what He loves. Look for signs such as grieving over sin (not just its consequences), finding joy in obedience (not just checking boxes), and desiring God’s presence (not just His benefits).
What should I do when my heart feels cold toward God despite being a Christian? Seasons of spiritual coldness are normal on the Christian journey. Even giants of faith such as Charles Spurgeon and Martin Luther wrote about their “dark nights of the soul.” During these times, continue in the spiritual disciplines not as a way to earn God’s favour but as a way to position ourselves under His waterfall of grace. Remember: our relationship with God isn’t based on the warmth of our feelings but on the finished work of Christ.
Can trauma or mental health struggles affect my heart’s ability to change? Trauma and mental health challenges can significantly impact how we experience and express our spiritual affections, but they don’t prevent God’s transforming work. Just as physical therapy after an injury requires specialised care and patience, emotional wounds may require both spiritual and professional support during the healing process. God’s work of heart transformation often occurs alongside and through the process of psychological and emotional healing.
Is it possible to lose this new heart God has given? From a Reformed perspective, while our experience of God’s love may ebb and flow, the new heart given in regeneration cannot be lost—it’s an irrevocable gift secured by God’s faithfulness rather than our own. When Scripture speaks of God keeping His own, it’s not describing a conditional arrangement but a divine promise: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion” (Philippians 1:6). This doesn’t lead to complacency but rather profound gratitude and motivation for growth.
Why do some Christians seem to change dramatically and quickly, while others (like me) change more slowly? The pace of heart transformation varies significantly among believers, and comparing our journey to others’ can lead to unnecessary discouragement. Just as each conversion story is unique—contrast Paul’s dramatic Damascus Road experience with Lydia’s gentle heart-opening by the river—God’s ongoing work of transformation follows His perfect timing and wisdom for each person. What matters isn’t the speed of change but its direction and authenticity; true heart transformation, whether rapid or gradual, always moves us toward greater love for Christ and deeper dependence on His grace.
If God is the one changing our hearts, what role do spiritual disciplines play? Spiritual disciplines (such as prayer, Bible reading, and fellowship) aren’t methods to earn God’s favour or generate heart change through our own effort—they’re more like positioning ourselves before the Surgeon’s table. Think of them as means of grace: God-ordained channels through which He typically does His transforming work, much like opening our windows to let in sunlight rather than trying to manufacture light ourselves. This understanding keeps us from both passivity (“God will change me without any participation on my part”) and self-reliant striving (“I must change myself through religious activity”), helping us engage in these disciplines with both diligence and dependence.
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