Against the Tide: Why are Christians Rigidly Pro-Life?
Other related questions: Which verses in the Bible give you the remotest idea God is against pro-choice? Also, what do you have to say to pro-choice advocates who raise valid concerns about women’s health, bodily autonomy, and difficult circumstances?
We adopt the pro-life stance because we believe human life is sacred from the moment of conception/fertilization based on biblical teachings. We adopt this hugely unpopular stance because we fear God more than we fear man’s opinion. Ultimately, our pro-life position stems from a reverence for the authority of Scripture and a desire to obey God—no matter how unpopular or difficult that may be—over the popular philosophies of the day.
Several Bible passages point to God’s intimate involvement in the formation and sanctity of human life in the womb:
- We see the unborn baby as a fully human being made in God’s image, deserving of protection Genesis 1:27 (ESV): “So God created man in His own image”.
- Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God intricately weaving us together and having all our days written before one of them came to be. This suggests God has a sovereign vision and plan for each person from the moment of conception.
- Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV) says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” This indicates God knows and relates to the preborn child as a person.
- Exodus 21:22-25 prescribed punishment for causing miscarriage, equating it with wrongful death/murder of the unborn child. This places special value on the life of the preborn.
- Luke 1:41-44 records the preborn John the Baptist leaping for joy in his mother’s womb at the presence of Jesus, suggesting personhood.
So from a biblical worldview, the unborn represents fully human life that bears God’s image and is intimately knit and known by Him from the womb. This makes abortion (the intentional killing of that life) akin to murder from a pro-life Christian perspective.
We understand the concerns pro-choice advocates raise about women’s health, bodily autonomy, and difficult circumstances such as rape or poverty. These are heavy issues with no easy answers. However, many Christians are motivated by a sincere conviction that if the unborn represents a human person created by God, then our duty is to protect that life—while still showing maximum care, compassion, and support for the very difficult situations women face during pregnancy.
At the same time, this stance doesn’t mean judging those who have had abortions or discounting the real trauma and turmoil surrounding these issues. Christians simply feel compelled by our view of what Scripture teaches about the sanctity of all human life, including the life of the unborn child, to adopt a pro-life ethic out of obligation to the Author of Life. We adopt this hugely unpopular stance because we fear God more than we fear man’s opinion.
However, this is a heavy issue with no easy answers. But many Christians’ pro-life convictions are rooted in a sincere desire to protect the intrinsic dignity of what we consider to be human persons in their most vulnerable stage of development based on our study of Scripture as the final authority.
We hope this provides a substantive explanation for the pro-life position, even if we may disagree. Let us know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!
Related Reads:
- Masturbation: Can the Bible’s Silence be Interpreted as Approval?
- Pornography: Why is it Hell’s Most Compelling Advertisement?
- Lustful Thoughts: How Does a Godly Christian Handle Them?
- The Sexual Revolution’s Broken Promises: The Bible Was Right All Along
Exploring Further:
If you’d like to delve deeper, here’s a link with some great resources on the Pro-Life Perspective:
The Gospel Coalition’s Resource: What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
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