How does Christ fulfill the law

How Does Jesus Fulfil the Law, and NOT Abolish It?

Published On: November 27, 2024

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.—Matthew 5:17

With these profound words, Jesus addresses one of the most fundamental questions in Christian theology: What is the relationship between Christ and the Law of God? This question has challenged believers across centuries and remains vitally relevant today. As we explore this rich theological terrain, we discover how Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law brings both clarity to our understanding and transformation to our lives.

Understanding the Law in its Original Context

The Law, known in Hebrew as Torah, stands as God’s perfect revelation of His will for His covenant people. It’s more than a mere set of rules—it encompasses the first five books of Scripture and reveals God’s holy character and righteous requirements. Traditionally understood in three aspects—moral, ceremonial, and civil—the Law served multiple purposes in God’s redemptive plan.

Through the Law, God revealed His perfect standard of righteousness. It served as a mirror, showing humanity our inability to meet God’s holy requirements through our own efforts. As Scripture declares, “through the law comes knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20). This divine standard was never meant to be merely aspirational; it was designed to point us to our need for a Saviour.

What Does It Mean to “Fulfil” the Law?

When Jesus speaks of fulfilling the Law, He uses the Greek word “pleroo,” which carries rich meaning beyond simple completion. It suggests bringing to full expression, perfecting, and accomplishing the intended purpose. Christ didn’t come to simply check boxes or meet minimum requirements—He came to bring the Law’s full meaning and purpose to its intended culmination.

How Doe Jesus Fulfil the Law

  • Through Perfect Obedience: Jesus lived what Israel – and all humanity – could not: a life of perfect obedience to God’s commands. Every thought, word, and deed aligned perfectly with the Father’s will. Where Adam failed, Christ succeeded. Where Israel stumbled, Jesus stood firm. His perfect righteousness wasn’t just for His own sake; it was for all who would believe in Him.
  • The Sacrificial System: The elaborate sacrificial system, with its carefully prescribed offerings and rituals, found its ultimate fulfillment in Christ. The book of Hebrews explains how Jesus serves as both the perfect High Priest and the final sacrifice. Every lamb slain, every drop of blood shed in the Old Testament system, pointed forward to the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.
  • The Prophetic Promises: Throughout the Old Testament, God made numerous promises about the coming Messiah. Jesus fulfilled these prophecies with remarkable precision – from His birth in Bethlehem to His suffering and resurrection. These weren’t just coincidences; they were the carefully orchestrated unfolding of God’s redemptive plan.

The Law’s Continuing Role

Understanding Christ’s fulfillment of the Law doesn’t mean the Law has no continuing significance for believers today. Rather, it takes on new meaning in light of Christ’s work. The moral law continues to reflect God’s unchanging character and serves as a guide for grateful obedience.

Believers don’t keep the Law to earn salvation—that’s already secured in Christ. Instead, we obey out of love and gratitude, empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Law now functions as a guide for sanctification, showing us what pleases our heavenly Father.

Practical Implications for Christian Living

Understanding Christ’s fulfillment of the Law transforms how we live:

  • In Our Motivation: We serve God not from fear of punishment but from love and gratitude. Christ’s perfect fulfillment of the Law frees us to obey joyfully rather than grudgingly.
  • In Our Understanding: We read Scripture through a Christ-centred lens, seeing how all of God’s Word points to Jesus. This enriches our Bible study and deepens our worship.
  • In Our Daily Walk: We pursue holiness not to earn God’s favour but because we already have it in Christ. This brings a beautiful balance of peace and persistence in our spiritual growth.

Contemporary Application

Today, believers can rest in Christ’s perfect fulfillment of the Law while still taking God’s commands seriously. We don’t need to choose between grace and obedience—Christ’s fulfillment of the Law shows us how they work together. This helps us:

  • Avoid both legalism and lawlessness
  • Find joy in obedience rather than burden—we obey out of love for our Saviour
  • Understand the unity of God’s redemptive plan
  • Live confidently in God’s grace while pursuing holiness


Jesus’ fulfillment of the Law is one of the most beautiful aspects of God’s redemptive plan. Far from abolishing God’s Law, Christ perfectly fulfilled it, bringing its full meaning to light and accomplishing its ultimate purpose. In Him, we find both the perfect keeping of the Law and the power to walk in newness of life.

As we grasp this truth, we’re freed to serve God with grateful hearts, knowing that our standing before Him rests not on our imperfect efforts but on Christ’s perfect fulfillment of every righteous requirement. This is the gospel—not that we must fulfil the Law, but that Christ has fulfilled it for us and in us (Romans 10:4).

How shall we respond? With worship, with gratitude, and with lives increasingly conformed to the image of the One who fulfilled all righteousness on our behalf.


How Does Jesus Fulfil the Law?—Related FAQs

Of the three aspects of the law—moral, ceremonial, and civil—are we to keep all three? The moral law, reflecting God’s unchanging character, remains binding as a guide for Christian living, though not as a means of salvation. The ceremonial laws (sacrificial system, dietary restrictions, ritual cleanliness) were fulfilled in Christ and are no longer binding, as they were shadows pointing to Him. The civil laws were specific to ancient Israel as a theocratic nation, though their underlying principles of justice and mercy can inform Christian ethics and society today.

  • What has changed with Jesus’ death and resurrection? How are we to keep the Law that the Old Testament folks could not? The fundamental change is that we now have the indwelling Holy Spirit, promised in the New Covenant, who writes God’s law on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33). While Old Testament believers were justified by faith, just as we are, we have the advantage of Christ’s completed work and the Spirit’s permanent indwelling presence empowering our obedience. Additionally, we understand the Law’s full meaning through Christ’s perfect interpretation and embodiment of it.
  • What is Antinomianism? And how is it wrong? Antinomianism (meaning “against law”) is the error of claiming that since Christians are saved by grace, they have no obligation to obey God’s moral law. This view misunderstands both grace and the purpose of the law, failing to recognise that while we’re not saved by keeping the law, we’re saved unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). True grace doesn’t nullify God’s moral standards but rather empowers us to fulfil them through the Spirit’s work.
  • What is Legalism? How is it wrong? Legalism manifests in two primary ways: either believing we can earn salvation through law-keeping, or believing that Christian maturity comes through strict adherence to rules rather than through grace-driven transformation. Both forms fundamentally misunderstand the gospel, as they place confidence in human effort rather than Christ’s finished work. Legalism effectively nullifies grace by making human performance the basis for either justification or sanctification.
  • What is Dispensationalism, and how does the Reformed tradition respond to it? Dispensationalism teaches that God deals with humanity through distinct dispensations or periods, often sharply distinguishing between Israel and the Church and between the Old and New Testaments. The Reformed tradition emphasises the unity of God’s redemptive plan—and sees one covenant of grace unfolding throughout Scripture, with Israel and the Church as one people of God across time. This covenant theology sees more continuity than discontinuity in God’s dealings with His people, while acknowledging the significant changes Christ’s coming brought.

If we’re not under the Law, why should we study it at all? The Law remains profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16), revealing God’s unchanging character and wisdom. While we’re not under the Law as a covenant of works, it continues to serve as a guide for grateful living and shows us our ongoing need for Christ. Moreover, understanding the Law helps us better grasp the full significance of Christ’s work and the richness of God’s redemptive plan throughout Scripture.


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