The Eternal Son: How is Jesus Begotten of the Father?
WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT JESUS IS BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER? The phrase “begotten of the Father” has long been a cornerstone of Christian theology, yet is often misunderstood. To some, it may sound as if Jesus was created or had a beginning, but this is far from what Scripture teaches. Understanding the biblical and theological meaning of Jesus being “begotten” is crucial for a proper understanding of His divinity and role within the Trinity. Let’s explore what it means that Jesus is “begotten,” focusing on the Reformed Calvinist perspective that emphasises His eternal Sonship, co-equality with the Father, and the unique relationship within the Trinity.
The Language of “Begotten” in Scripture
To begin, we must examine how Scripture uses the term “begotten” when referring to Jesus. Key passages include John 1:14, John 1:18, John 3:16, and Hebrews 1:5. In these verses, Jesus is called the “only begotten Son” (monogenēs in Greek). The term monogenēs is best understood as meaning “unique” or “one of a kind.” It points to Jesus’ unique relationship to the Father, not His creation.
The Nicene Creed, an early statement of Christian belief, clarifies this further: “Begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father.” The Creed asserts Jesus is eternally begotten, meaning His Sonship is an eternal reality, not a created event. He has always existed in relationship with the Father.
The Eternal Generation of the Son
Jesus Begotten of the Father: The Reformed tradition affirms the doctrine of eternal generation, which means the Son is eternally begotten of the Father. This does not mean Jesus had a beginning in time, but rather that His Sonship is an eternal truth about who He is. The Father has always been the Father, and the Son has always been the Son. This eternal relationship between the Father and Son is a key element of Trinitarian theology.
Augustine and other church fathers described this relationship with analogies, such as light emanating from the sun. Just as the sun always shines light, so the Father eternally begets the Son. There was never a time when the Father existed without the Son. The Westminster Confession of Faith (Chapter 2) reflects this, affirming the Son is “the same in substance, equal in power and glory” with the Father, eternally distinct as the Son.
Begotten vs. Created: Addressing Arianism and Modern Misunderstandings
Throughout church history, the doctrine of Jesus’ eternal generation has been attacked, most notably by Arius, an early heretic who claimed Jesus was a created being. Arius taught “there was a time when the Son was not,” directly contradicting the clear teaching of Scripture and the early church’s understanding. The Arian controversy led to the formalisation of the doctrine in the Nicene Creed, that affirmed Jesus is “begotten, not made,” co-equal and co-eternal with the Father.
Today, similar misunderstandings persist. Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, deny the eternal divinity of Christ, teaching that He is a created being. However, the biblical witness clearly refutes such claims. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This verse affirms the eternal existence of Christ, the Word, as fully divine and not a creation.
The Unity and Distinction within the Trinity
The doctrine of eternal generation preserves both the unity of God and the distinction between the persons of the Trinity. The Trinity is a mystery: one God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-equal in power and glory, sharing the same divine essence. Yet, they are distinct persons. The Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Spirit, yet they are all fully God.
The Son’s begottenness emphasises His unique relationship to the Father. He is not begotten in the sense of being created but in the sense of eternally proceeding from the Father. This eternal distinction does not compromise the unity of the Godhead; rather, it helps us understand the richness of God’s triune nature.
The Importance of the Doctrine in the Gospel
Understanding that Jesus is “begotten of the Father” is not merely a theological curiosity; it has profound implications for the gospel. Because Jesus is eternally begotten of the Father, He is fully divine and uniquely able to mediate between God and humanity. His eternal Sonship guarantees the perfection of His work on our behalf.
Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature.” This means that when we look at Christ, we see the very nature of God. As the eternal Son, He is the perfect revelation of the Father, and His divinity assures us of the sufficiency of His atonement. Only one who is truly God can fully reconcile us to God.
Practical Implications for Worship and Christian Life
The doctrine of Christ’s eternal generation should not remain abstract but should lead us to a deeper worship of the triune God. When we understand that Jesus is the eternally begotten Son, co-equal with the Father, it compels us to stand in awe of the mystery and majesty of God’s being. Our worship is enriched as we contemplate the eternal love and unity within the Trinity, revealed to us in the person of Christ.
Moreover, the fact that Jesus is fully God offers profound comfort to believers. The eternal Son, begotten of the Father, has accomplished a perfect salvation that can never be undone. As Paul writes in Romans 8:38-39, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. This assurance flows from the eternal, divine nature of the Son.
In conclusion, the phrase “begotten of the Father” speaks to the eternal, unchanging relationship between the Father and the Son. It does not mean Jesus was created, but rather that He is eternally generated from the Father, fully sharing in the divine essence. This doctrine is foundational to the Christian understanding of the Trinity and has far-reaching implications for our faith and worship.
As believers, we are called to marvel at the mystery of the Trinity, to worship the Son who reveals the Father, and to trust in the sufficiency of His divine work of salvation. The eternal generation of the Son is a truth that deepens our understanding of God and strengthens our confidence in the gospel.
Related FAQS:
- What are the theological implications of the doctrine of eternal generation? The doctrine of eternal generation asserts that the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, emphasizing both His divinity and distinct personhood within the Trinity. This safeguards the truth that the Son is not created but eternally shares in the same divine essence as the Father, affirming His co-equality and co-eternity with God. It helps maintain a proper balance in understanding the Trinity, where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persons but of one substance. Without this doctrine, Christ’s divinity and role in salvation would be undermined. The eternal generation of the Son guarantees the perfection and sufficiency of His redemptive work.
- What are some common misunderstandings of the term monogenēs? One common misunderstanding is that monogenēs, translated as “only begotten,” means Jesus was created or had a beginning in time. However, the term in Greek refers to uniqueness, indicating Jesus’ unique Sonship, not His origin. Some confuse the word as implying a temporal event of creation, which leads to heresies like Arianism. Instead, it points to the eternal, relational distinction between the Father and the Son, who are of the same essence but distinct persons. This term highlights Christ’s role as the eternal and unique mediator, not a created being.
- What is the biblical support for the doctrine of eternal generation? The doctrine of eternal generation is rooted in several key Scriptures. John 1:14 and John 3:16 describe Jesus as the “only begotten Son,” emphasizing His unique and eternal relationship with the Father. Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature,” showing that the Son fully shares in the divine essence of the Father. Passages like John 1:1 (“In the beginning was the Word”) affirm that the Son existed from eternity, rather than being created. These verses support the idea that Jesus’ Sonship is eternal, not temporal or created.
- How do other Christian traditions explain the phrase “begotten of the Father”? In Eastern Orthodox theology, the doctrine of eternal generation is affirmed similarly to the Reformed tradition, with emphasis on the mystery of the Son’s eternal relationship to the Father. Roman Catholicism also upholds this view, often drawing on the Nicene Creed’s language of “begotten, not made,” but with more emphasis on the Son’s role in the economy of salvation. In contrast, some modern groups, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, reject eternal generation, arguing that Jesus was created, a view rejected by orthodox Christianity. These distinctions are crucial as they shape how each tradition views the divinity of Christ and the nature of the Trinity.
- Why do we affirm the Reformed perspective on Jesus being “begotten of the Father”? The Reformed perspective affirms the doctrine of eternal generation because it is deeply rooted in Scripture and maintains the integrity of the Trinity. It preserves the Son’s full divinity while upholding the eternal distinction between the persons of the Trinity. The Reformed view emphasises that Christ’s eternal Sonship guarantees the efficacy of His work of redemption, offering believers full assurance of salvation. By holding to this doctrine, we avoid errors like Arianism, which diminish Christ’s deity, and we worship a triune God who is perfect in unity, distinction, and equality. This view aligns with the historic confessions of faith like the Westminster Confession and the Nicene Creed.
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