Degrees of Punishment in Hell

Why Do We Affirm There Will Be Degrees of Punishment in Hell?

Published On: March 3, 2025

Scripture clearly teaches hell is a place of eternal punishment for those who die without faith in Christ. While the sobering truth is difficult to contemplate, we must approach it with the same reverence and submission to God’s Word as we do the doctrine of salvation. In the Reformed tradition, we affirm all punishment in hell is eternal. Scripture, however, indicates there will be varying degrees of punishment based on several factors.

Come, explore with us the biblical evidence for why we affirm there will be degrees of punishment in hell. Let’s also examine three key factors Scripture indicates that will determine these differences.



The concept of varying degrees of punishment is firmly established in Scripture. In Luke 12:47-48, Jesus speaks of servants receiving “many blows” versus “few blows” based on their knowledge and actions.

When pronouncing judgement on unrepentant cities, Jesus declared it would be “more bearable” for Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom on the day of judgement than for cities that had witnessed His miracles, but still rejected Him (Matthew 11:20-24).

Jesus also warned the scribes and Pharisees of “greater condemnation” because of their hypocrisy and misleading of others (Matthew 23:14). What’s more, James 3:1 cautions teachers will receive a “stricter judgement.”

All these verses indicate there will be a principle of proportionality in God’s judgement. These passages clearly establish the degrees of punishment will vary based on various factors. Let’s examine the three primary factors that Scripture indicates will determine these degrees.



The Bible teaches each person will be judged according to their deeds. Romans 2:5-6 states the unrepentant are “storing up wrath” and that God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” This principle is echoed in Revelation 20:12-13, where the dead are “judged according to what they had done.”

In Reformed theology, we believe that while all sin deserves God’s judgement, there is a cumulative aspect to sin. Every act of rebellion against God’s law adds to one’s guilt. Those who persist in sin throughout their lives, especially after receiving warnings and opportunities to repent, increase their culpability before God.

As 2 Timothy 4:14 indicates in Paul’s comment about Alexander the coppersmith, the Lord will repay each according to their deeds. The principle of proportional punishment is also illustrated in Revelation 18:6-7, where Babylon receives punishment in proportion to her sins and self-glorification.



Scripture places grave responsibility on those who lead others into sin. Remember Jesus issued one of His strongest warnings about this in Matthew 18:6-7: He said it would be better to be drowned with a millstone around one’s neck than to cause a believer to stumble. This indicates leading others astray results in heightened judgement.

False teachers receive particular condemnation in Scripture. In 2 Peter 2:1-3, we read about the “swift destruction” awaiting those who introduce destructive heresies and “bring the way of truth into disrepute.” When someone leads others away from God’s truth, they multiply the effect of their own sin by causing spiritual damage to those under their influence.

This principle applies especially to those in positions of influence—parents, teachers, pastors, and other leaders. Their greater capacity to impact others brings a correspondingly greater accountability before God. The influence of sin can span generations and affect countless lives, compounding the judgment that awaits those who misuse their influence.



Perhaps the most significant factor in determining degrees of punishment is the amount of spiritual light or gospel revelation a person has received and rejected. Hebrews 10:26-29 speaks of a “worse punishment” for those who have “trampled underfoot the Son of God” after receiving knowledge of the truth.

Jesus Himself established this principle in Luke 10:13-15, pronouncing greater judgment on cities that witnessed His miracles, yet rejected Him compared to notoriously wicked cities of the past. In John 15:22-24, Jesus states those who heard His words and saw His works have “no excuse for their sin” and bear greater guilt than those that did not.

Romans 2:12-16 develops this concept further. Paul explains those who sin without the law will be judged without the law, while those who sin under the law will be judged by the law. This indicates different standards of judgement based on the revelation received.

Jesus also referred to this principle in Matthew 12:41-42: He states that the men of Nineveh and the Queen of the South would rise up in judgement against His generation because they responded to less revelation than was available to those that rejected Jesus.

This has profound implications for those raised in Christian homes, those who’ve heard the gospel clearly presented, or those living in regions with abundant access to Scripture. Greater spiritual opportunity brings greater responsibility and, consequently, greater judgement for those who reject it.



While all punishment in hell is eternal and severe—a truth we must never minimise—Scripture clearly teaches there will be degrees of punishment based on the extent of sin in one’s life, the measure of sinful influence on others, and the degree of revealed gospel that was rejected.

This doctrine should sober us, driving us to examine our own hearts, repent of our sins, and place our trust fully in Christ, whose perfect sacrifice on the cross is the only means of escaping God’s righteous judgement. It should also fuel our evangelistic efforts, knowing  those who haven’t yet heard or responded to the gospel face eternal consequences.

Finally, this doctrine should lead us to worship God for His perfect justice. Even in judgement, God is righteous and fair. While we rejoice in the mercy shown to us in Christ, we also acknowledge God’s judgement against sin is entirely just and appropriate. As Abraham declared, “Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25).

Indeed, He will, with perfect wisdom, knowledge, and justice.



Does the Bible actually teach that there will be different degrees of punishment in hell? Yes, Scripture clearly teaches this concept in multiple passages. Jesus specifically speaks of servants receiving “many blows” versus “few blows” based on their knowledge and actions (Luke 12:47-48), and declares it will be “more bearable” for some cities than others on judgement day (Matthew 11:20-24). The consistent biblical principle is that God judges with perfect justice, considering all factors including knowledge, opportunity, and the extent of sin.

  • If someone continues in unrepentant sin, does this increase their judgement? Persistent, unrepentant sin does increase one’s judgement as Romans 2:5 describes it as “storing up wrath.” Every act of rebellion against God’s law adds to one’s culpability, especially when one continues in sin despite God’s patience and opportunities for repentance. The Reformed understanding emphasises that while all sin deserves God’s judgement, there is a cumulative aspect to sin that affects the degree of punishment (Romans 2:5-6, Revelation 20:12-13).
  • How does leading others into sin affect one’s judgement? Leading others into sin significantly increases one’s judgement because it multiplies the spiritual damage beyond oneself. Jesus issued one of His strongest warnings about this, stating it would be better to be drowned with a millstone around one’s neck than to cause a believer to stumble (Matthew 18:6-7). Those in positions of influence—parents, pastors, teachers, and leaders—bear a greater responsibility before God because their sin can impact many lives across generations (James 3:1).

Does rejecting clear gospel presentation result in greater judgement? Yes, rejecting clear gospel presentation results in greater judgement because greater spiritual light brings greater responsibility. Jesus taught this principle when He said it would be worse for cities that witnessed His miracles yet rejected Him than for Sodom and Gomorrah (Matthew 11:20-24). This has profound implications for those raised in Christian homes or with abundant access to Scripture, as Hebrews 10:26-29 warns of worse punishment for those who reject the gospel after receiving knowledge of the truth.

  • How does this doctrine provide comfort regarding God’s justice for those who have suffered under evil influences? The doctrine of degrees of punishment assures us that God’s justice perfectly accounts for all evil done in this world, particularly by those who abuse power or lead others astray. For believers who have witnessed apparent injustice or suffered under evil influences, this doctrine confirms God sees every act and will judge with complete fairness and knowledge of all circumstances. God’s perfect justice will address every evil deed and influence; no evil will ultimately escape proper judgement (2 Timothy 4:14).
  • How should this doctrine affect our evangelistic efforts? Understanding degrees of punishment should create greater urgency in our evangelism, knowing that those who reject the gospel face eternal consequences proportional to their knowledge. This doctrine reminds us of the eternal stakes involved in gospel proclamation and should motivate us to present the gospel clearly, compassionately, and without compromise. Reformed evangelism emphasises both God’s love and the reality of judgement, proclaiming the good news while warning of the consequences of rejection (Ezekiel 33:8-9).

How should those who have received much gospel light respond to this doctrine? Those who have received abundant gospel light must respond with faithful stewardship of that knowledge, remembering Jesus’ warning that “to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). This doctrine should prompt serious self-examination, genuine repentance, and whole-hearted trust in Christ’s finished work on the cross. The proper response to greater spiritual privilege is not presumption or pride, but rather greater humility, obedience, and gratitude for God’s mercy in Christ.




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