Will a loving God send people to hell?

Will a Loving God Send People to Hell?

Published On: June 26, 2024

As a loving Creator, God desires every person to experience eternal fellowship with Him. Yet as an infinitely just and holy Being, He cannot simply overlook willful sins committed against His law and character. This sets up an unavoidable tension—how can God be loving, and still send people to an eternal hell?

The answer: God’s supreme holiness demands justice. Sin is not a small matter—it’s defiant cosmic treason against the Sovereign of the universe. For God to be truly loving, He must uphold moral standards of righteousness. Love and justice are intrinsically linked in His character.

So how can a holy, just God also demonstrate love? The solution is found in the cross of Christ, where God’s justice is satisfied and His mercy is displayed. Though we deserve nothing but hell, God makes a way out through His Son’s sacrifice. Divine love and justice have intersected, but we must accept this way while we still can. Pardon is available on God’s terms, not ours.

God’s Holiness Demands Justice

God is not only loving, He is also perfectly just and transcendently holy. Our Creator has given humanity chance after chance to repent and be reconciled to Him. But on the coming Day of Judgment, a holy God must finally deal with sin justly. So, indeed, God can be loving and still send people to hell.

God Cannot be Holy if He Isn’t Just

We all stand guilty before God as sinners who have violated His holy standards in myriad ways—immorality, greed, hatred, idolatry, rebellion and more. How can the Judge of all the earth not punish such grievous wrongs?

The wrongdoer may have no complaints if allowed to go scot-free in the final reckoning, but is it just or fair for the wronged party? A truly just God must punish sin. To let sinners go scot-free would be an outrageous miscarriage of justice.

Hell: Just Punishment for Every Sinner

The terrible truth is hell—eternal separation from God’s life-giving presence—is the ultimate reality awaiting every human being who has ever sinned against our Creator. We all deserve this fate of outer darkness, for even one sin makes us guilty cosmic traitors before the Sovereign of the universe. So God can be loving and righteous and still banish sinners to hell.

God in His Love Took Our Punishment

Yet in His unfathomable love, God has provided a way of escape through the gift of His Son. Though we stood condemned before God’s judgment seat, Jesus Christ took our punishment upon Himself on the cross. He satisfied the righteous demands of God’s judgement for sin in the place of all who will transfer their trust to Him.

It is at the cross of Christ that the love, justice, and mercy of God meet.

Pardon: Only On God’s Terms, Not Ours

For those of us yet alive, there remains an open door to obtain pardon and eternal life. But it can only be entered on God’s terms, not our own.

We must:

  1. Acknowledge our sinful state and guilt before our righteous and holy God
  2. Repent: turn from sin and idols to submit to God’s Lordship
  3. Believe Christ’s death and resurrection have paid our penalty
  4. Receive Christ’s forgiveness and new spiritual life by faith

Only by entering through the narrow gate of the cross in faith, can we be delivered from the fate of eternal separation from God that our sins merit. Divine justice and mercy have intersected at the cross. Though we deserve nothing but hell, God has made a way out through His Son. But we must take that way while we still can!

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