• Dead Men Rising

    In the precise moment of Christ's death, a whole cluster of unprecedented events occurred (Matthew 27:51-53). The temple veil was torn, darkness enveloped the earth at the break of noon, the earth shook...

    Among them, Matthew's gospel records tombs breaking open and "many holy people" rising from the dead after Jesus' resurrection, appearing to many in the holy city. The events, often overshadowed by Christ's own resurrection, carry profound meaning. While Scripture gives us only a brief glimpse of these remarkable moments, they offer us rich insights into the scope and power of Christ's redemptive work… FIND OUT MORE

  • When Demons Ask Permission
    When Demons Ask Permission: What Mark 5 Reveals About Jesus

    A dramatic demonstration of Christ's identity—His authority over the spiritual realm—and of His love for the helpless sinner.

  • Why was touching of the Ark fatal?
    Why Was Touching the Ark of God a Fatal Mistake?

    The oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the Ark. That very moment, he died...

  • Am I Among God's Elect?
    Am I Among God’s Elect? How Can I Be Sure?

    Few questions carry more eternal weight than this: "Am I truly among God's elect?"

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